Photo Credit: Erik Marmor/Flash90
Leftist demonstrators blocked Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv, March 1, 2023.

This article is being updated regularly.

For the first time since illegal demonstrations against the government’s judicial reform began some eight weeks ago, leftist protesters are receiving police treatment that comes a wee bit closer to what Haredim and settlers have been used to for decades.


Israel police announced Wednesday afternoon that they had arrested dozens of demonstrators in central Israel for disorderly conduct. There were huge riots between police and protesters at the Shalom Interchange of the Ayalon highway, where protesters broke through police barriers and managed to get on Israel’s busiest highway.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir conducted a situation assessment at the Tel Aviv police headquarters with Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai and Tel Aviv Commander David Philo. Ben Gvir stated: “There must be zero tolerance to anarchists who attack policemen, break through police barriers and create anarchy.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir at police headquarters in Tel Aviv. / Courtesy

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday afternoon: “We will not allow violence against police officers, the blocking of highways, and the gross violation of the laws of the state. The right to demonstrate is not a right to anarchy.

“I give my full backing to National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the Inspector-General and officers of the Israel Police, who are acting against lawbreakers that disrupt Israeli citizens’ daily lives.”

Around 1:30 PM on Wednesday, Tel Aviv Police finally took out the water guns and started treating violent Tel Avivian secular Ashkenazim as they do Haredim and settlers in similar circumstances. It was refreshing to see, especially considering the lovely spring weather.

Police used stun grenades and mounted police were sent to repel the illegal demonstrators who until today believed the highways belonged to their family.

Police used stun grenades and mounted police were sent to repel the illegal demonstrators. March 1, 2023. / Police Spokesperson

At an intersection in Haifa, a demonstrator who refused to clear the road despite police pleadings was arrested after attacking the cops with his fists.

The police arrested two rioters and detained three others on Highway 1, on suspicion of planning to block the road with burning tires.

The police arrested two rioters and detained three others on Highway 1, on suspicion of planning to block the road with burning tires. / Courtesy

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