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The Yesh Din organization, which operates on behalf of Arabs in Judea and Samaria, claimed that Israelis from the community of Chomesh in Samaria had beaten “farmers.” However, the left-wing organization was faced with embarrassment when it was revealed that the wounded Arab “farmer” was a terrorist who had stabbed a soldier and served time in jail.

Students of Yeshivat Chomesh were attacked by Arabs who came to the community last week, and the students were forced to defend themselves.


The students reported that while they were busy studying Torah, five Arab vehicles entered the area near the yeshiva. Meanwhile, a student who was outside the yeshiva tried to enter but encountered the Arabs. He asked for help from the students, and they came to help him. As soon as the students approached, the Arabs got out of the vehicles, attacked the yeshiva students, threw rocks at them and tried to hit them with batons. The yeshiva students contacted the security forces and tried to keep the rioters away.

Following the incident, left-wing organizations, including Yesh Din, published photos and videos claiming that the students attacked “farmers,” while the Israelis distributed their own materials showing that the Arabs had come to the community and attacked them.

It has now been revealed that one of the “farmers” whose picture was distributed by Yesh Din under the heading “Farmer who was attacked” is a terrorist named Muhammad Salah, who was imprisoned in Israel after stabbing a soldier.

The identity of the terrorist was revealed by Yehuda Lieber, who learned on the Arab networks the fact that the wounded man is a released terrorist.

Additional participants in the incident turned out to be part of families of terrorists and supporters of terrorism as expressed on social media.

Head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan stated Tuesday that “there is nothing that the far left organizations refrain from doing, the organizations use a convicted terrorist who sat in jail for stabbing a soldier to delegitimize the Israelis.”

“The defamation is not only against the residents of Chomesh and the residents of Judea and Samaria but against the IDF and the State of Israel as a whole,” he underscored.

He reiterated his call to the government and law enforcement agencies to “take immediate action to stop the violent provocations of the terrorists and their aides in Judea and Samaria and to stop the defamation, lies, and hate campaign of the far-left organizations.”

“This conduct endangers us all and must be stopped as soon as possible,” he said, demanding that Yesh Din “do the required minimum, after the embarrassing exposure, and apologize to the residents.”

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