Photo Credit: Nadav Goldstein / TPS
Site of attack at Ariel industrial zone close to Petach Tikvah.

The Israel Defense Forces announced Sunday that the home of terrorist Mohammad Soof is slated for demolition.

The home was mapped out for destruction in the predawn hours immediately following a deadly attack on November 15, 2022 in which Soof murdered three Israelis and wounded three others.


“The mapping was carried out for the purpose of examining the possibility of demolishing the house, in accordance with any decision that will be taken,” the IDF said at the time.

The 18-year-old terrorist carried out his attack near the entrance to the Ariel industrial zone and Route 5 in Samaria.

Moti Ashkenazi, 59, Michael Ladigin, 36 and Tamir Avichai, 50 were stabbed and rammed to death during the attack. Three other people were wounded in the attack as well.

Soof, a resident of the Arab village of Haris, worked as a cleaner in the industrial zone. He first stabbed a security guard at the entrance to the Ariel industrial zone, and then ran to the nearby “Ten” gas station, where he stabbed three more people. After stabbing another Israeli, Soof was shot and killed. Two of the stabbing victims died of their wounds and another person was killed in a car crash caused by Soof when he tried to flee the scene in a stolen car.

In response to the attack, Israel revoked the hundreds of work permits that enabled him and his family members to enter and stay in pre-1967 Israel for the purpose of employment.

Home of Shalom Sofer’s Killer to be Demolished
Last week, the IDF announced it notified the family of Palestinian Authority terrorist Younis Hilan their home will be demolished following Hilan’s attack on an Israeli businessman.

The order can still be appealed by the family.

Shalom Sofer, 63, died two weeks after Hilan stabbed him as he exited a store in the Arab village of al-Funduq on October 25, 2022.

Sofer managed to get to his car despite his wounds, and called for help. He was taken in a military ambulance to Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer in Ramat Gan.

Sofer was subsequently released from the hospital following treatment but died two weeks later from complications resulting from the wounds.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.