Photo Credit: Mark Neiman (GPO)
President Rivlin Visits Rina Shnerb's father and brother in hospital

President Reuven Rivlin on Monday paid a condolence call on the family of Rina Shnerb ז”ל at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital

President Rivlin said: “Your spirit and abilities, Rav Eitan, both spiritual and leadership, strengthen us so much here in this country. We weep for Rina, and she deserves our tears, but we also get up and carry on. And it is so important for us to continue to make sure Rina’s voice continues to be heard. Choose life and keep strong.”


The president visited Rina’s father, Rabbi Eitan Shnerb who wounded in the attack, whose condition has improved, and his son Dvir who was more severely injured. Both are now in the same hospital room. At their side were many close family members and friends who came to support Eitan and Dvir as they recover.

After the president offered his consolation to Rabbi Eitan, his son Dvir and daughter Tamar, Rabbi Eitan said, “The way in which Am Yisrael has taken us to its heart leaves us speechless. Our people is strong and we want to strengthen you too, Mr. President. We are all so strong and pray for the peace of the world and above all for our children’s safety. It is clear to me that if we do not love each other, we have no chance.”

The rabbi told the president about the young people of Lod, and of the spiritual power of hundreds of young people who do not sink into despair and think about how to flourish and develop, despite the difficulties. “I think that’s what Rina would like. She was so deep and thought so much about life, her purpose in this life and what home she would have. Always with joy, a smile, “the rabbi said.

“Rina was very upset about how much time we waste our mobile phones,” Rina’s sister Tamar told the president and shared with him the family’s initiative in her memory. “On Friday, my mom asked everyone who could to take a break from their phone in her memory, to do something meaningful. We are also asking people to take a break every day and to do something meaningful with their time.”

The president told Rabbi Eitan and his children: “You in Lod are doing a huge thing for the State of Israel and for the people of Israel. Lod is a microcosm of all our lives here. This is the homeland of the Jewish people. It is the Promised Land and all around the world, people make sure to tell us that this is where we belong. Your spirit and abilities, Rav Eitan, both spiritual and leadership, strengthen us so much here in this country. We weep for Rina, and she deserves our tears, but we also get up and carry on. And it is so important for us to continue to make sure Rina’s voice continues to be heard. Choose life and keep strong.”

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