Photo Credit: Shlomo Melet / TPS
Scene of Shomron terror attack. Oct. 11, 2018

An IDF reserves soldier was stabbed in the chest and face, in the Shomron at Kikar HaChativa, according to the IDF.

The soldier was evacuated by an ambulance that happened to have been on location. He was taken to Beilinson hospital.


The soldier, in his 30s, is moderately wounded and fully conscious. The stab wound to the chest is superficial.

The terrorist escaped in a car.

A 26-year-old civilian woman was lightly wounded in the leg from shrapnel from the gunfire at the terrorist. The soldiers hit two Israeli cars in the process of trying to hit the terrorist.

Knife used by terrorist in the Shomron. Oct. 11, 2018
Ambulance near Beilinson Hospital. Oct. 11, 2018

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