Photo Credit: Matanya Reichman / TPS
Scene of the terror attack in Maaleh Adumim. August 1, 2023.

Six people have been wounded in a terrorist attack in Maaleh Adumim on Tuesday afternoon. The attack happened near a shopping mall in the city, at least one person, age 40, is in serious condition.

Inside the Burger’s Bar restaurant in the Maaleh Adumim mall after the terror attack. August 1, 2023

An off-duty officer in the Border Police who was on his way to get a haircut heard shooting and yelling and began searching for the terrorist. The terrorist who was shooting towards and into the mall opened fire at the officer. The officer returned fire, eliminating the terrorist.


Sharei Zedek Medical Center is treating two victims in serious condition from gunshot wounds.

Hadassah Mount Scopus is treating three victims, ages, 14, 25 and 30.

A bag was found nearby with bullets in it.

According to the Benny Kashriel, the mayor of Maaleh Adumim, the terrorist was an employee of the municipality and worked as a cleaner in the local sports/community center (Matnas) for a few years. He had all the proper work permits.

The police chief met with the off-duty officer who killed the terrorist after the attack.

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