Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh / Flash 90
IDF soldier guards the entrance to Shechem (Nablus). Oct. 26, 2022

A group of four terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers from two passing cars, after midnight on Friday morning. The attack happened at the Huwara checkpoint near Shechem (Nablus).

The IDF returned fire killing one of the terrorists. Three others managed to flee to Refedya hospital in Shechem, only to discover that the doctors at that hospital are on strike in response to PA president Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to dispand the Palestinian Authority Doctors Association. Another terrorist died of his wounds at the hospital.


One of the dead terrorists, age 47, was a member of the Palestinian Authority Civil Defense. One of the critically wounded terrorists is a captain in the Palestinian Authority security services.

The inside of the terrorists’s car:

The attack happened just as the IDF was loosening the lockdown of the terror-infested city and had opened 2 of the 6 entrances to the city. The IDF has been holding operations Shechem to take out the “Lion’s Den” terrorist organization. Some of their members and leaders have already surrendered to the Palestinian Authority for sanctuary.

No IDF soldiers were wounded in the attack.

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