Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90
Pilgrims, tourists, and Israeli visitors near Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem.

There has been a 9% increase in tourist entries in August 2019 over August 2018, and a 20% increase over August 2017, according to Israel’s tourism ministry, with revenue from incoming tourism reaching $437 million in August,
an increase of 10% over the same month last year.

Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin (Likud) said in a statement: “August continues the trend of month after record-breaking month for incoming tourism. Tourists from all over the world are choosing Israel over and over again as a vacation and leisure destination. Thanks to the innovative marketing efforts of the Israel Ministry of Tourism, I have no doubt that this momentum will continue into the coming months.”


According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, approximately 304,600 tourist entries were recorded in August 2019, 9% more than August 2018 and 20% more than August 2017. In the period of January – August 2019, 2.892 million tourist entries were recorded, as opposed to 2.634 million in the same period last year, an increase of 10%. Revenue from incoming tourism in August stood at $437 million and, since the beginning of the year, at $4.147 billion.

There were 270,000 tourist entries were by air this past August, 8% more than August 2018 and 17% more than August 2017. 34,000 tourists arrived via the land crossings, 22% more than August 2018 and 56% more than August 2017.

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