Photo Credit: Peoples Forum for NYC
'Shut it Down for Palestine' poster.

More than 100 New York City high schools have been persuaded to join another pro-Hamas hate rally on Thursday afternoon at 3 pm in Bryant Park.

The so-called “National Shutdown for Palestine,” is being organized by the Peoples Forum for NYC, albeit with clear assistance from the US Council for Palestinian Rights.


Participants are directed to arrive early, however — 8:30 am — and to call or text for the specific location. It’s not clear why.

The hate rally is well organized, with links to various documents for curricula, talking points and myriad other activities, all aimed at destroying the State of Israel in favor of a “Palestine” from the “river to the sea.”

Take a look at this link to the “Day of Action Toolkit” which includes information about demonstrators’ liabilities, risks and legal rights, as well as resources for a virtual phone bank, a student walkout, a draft statement/resolution, and other support and resources.

The sheer magnitude of the detailed organization that went into creating this tribute to hate is nearly beyond belief. These folks are deeply dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and ultimately to the annihilation of the Jewish People.

The anti-Israel “Jewish Voices for Peace” organization is part and parcel of this horror, incidentally, contributing a resource document for the “cause” that is filled with bald-faced lies. Here are a few:

“The Israeli government is actively threatening to commit genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.”

“Our government is supporting Israel in its march to genocide, our tax dollars are funding the weapons our government is sending to the Israeli military.”

“The US should not send a single additional weapon to the Israeli government as its officials openly declare their intent to commit war crimes.” (ed: emphasis added)

“There is no military solution to this. We need to address the root causes: Israeli military occupation and apartheid, and our own government’s role in funding this oppression.”

“Our government is repeating misinformation that accuses Palestinians of atrocities that are completely unproven — even the the Israeli military cannot substantiate these allegations.”

And so on.

Folks, if you must work or have other business anywhere Byrant Park on this Thursday afternoon, stay vigilant. Those who have no need to be in the area are strongly urged to stay away. It’s not going to be a safe place for Jews on Thursday, November 9.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.