Photo Credit: US Central Command (CENTCOM)
Aid delivered via the temporary pier in Gaza.

The US Navy has installed a new counter-rocket, artillery and mortar (C-RAM) system to protect its new temporary floating pier off central Gaza’s Mediterranean coast.


Images and footage posted on social media also indicate the US has installed an M-LIDS anti-drone system as well.

The pier (JLOTS) connects to the Gaza shore by a causeway via which humanitarian aid is offloaded to a “marshalling yard” located on the coast of the Netzarim Corridor, an area designated for humanitarian operations. The aid is then picked up by contractors employed by USAID, UNRWA, the UN World Food Program and others, for delivery throughout Gaza. Thus far, not one delivery has reached its intended destination, thanks to ongoing looting by Hamas and its allied Gaza gangs, referred earlier this week to as “some people” by Pentagon press secretary Major General Pat Ryder.

“As part of the process to emplace the temporary floating pier on the beach in Gaza and prepare for the movement of humanitarian assistance ashore, defensive systems protecting the pier were briefly test fired on May 17 to ensure full functionality,” the US Department of Defense told Politico.

“Such testing is required to validate the proper functioning of these defensive systems prior to the beginning of operations on the pier. Fire was directed out to sea and posed no danger to life or property.”

The system is equipped with advanced radar and sensor systems that can detect incoming threats from artillery, rockets, and mortar rounds. The C-RAM uses 20mm HEIT-SD (High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer, Self-Destruct) ammunition to engage and neutralize incoming rockets, mortar shells or artillery fire.

It can intercept and destroy multiple incoming projectiles simultaneously, which is important when a barrage of rockets or mortar shells are being fired at the pier and/or causeway.

The pier has already been attacked several times by Hamas terrorists, first with mortar fire and then with explosive suicide drones.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.