Question: How have rising prices affected your buying decisions?



As a caterer, I see all too well the increases in food prices. Rather than pass along the inflated prices to my customers, I’m trying harder to use different staples in my food. I used to be a brand buyer but now I try to buy more generic items to save money. Here’s a cool trick I want to share with readers: On food labels, look for the plant number on the back. Many name-brand and generic items are made in the same plant, but because of the name you’re paying more. For example, a major well-known brand of cheese and Key Food’s brand of cheese are both OU and both come from the same plant, but there is a significant price difference.

– Ira Polansky, owner, Eden Caterers


I can’t walk into a store and just buy items casually like before. I have to limit my choices and so shopping has become less fun. We also can’t go around as much due to the high gas prices.

– Samantha Hupart, 7th grade student


I’m eating out less. The price of food is shocking. I remember buying a bagel for 40 cents and now it’s a dollar. This didn’t happen gradually – it almost seems like it occurred overnight. I try to only buy necessities. I also use my ’93 Corolla more than my 2005 truck to conserve on gas. In my line of business, I unfortunately see foreclosures, evictions, and bankruptcies all too often.

Gary Rose, New York City marshal


When I look for clothes I don’t buy brand names as much anymore since it really doesn’t matter what the label says. I also go out to eat less than before. I was shocked when recently I went to the grocer to buy a few plums and a bottle of water and the bill came out to $10!

Tara Chariton, 7th grade student

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Ita Yankovich is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in various Jewish and secular publications. She also teaches English and Literature at Kingsborough College and Touro College. She can be reached at [email protected].