YU’s Law School to Honor Jimmy Carter for ‘Conflict Resolution’

The Coalition of Concerned Cardozo Alumni, however, looked at Carter's "lifetime of work" and rather than see something worthy of an award, they saw a record of slandering Israel.

4 Major American Jewish Orgs Rebuke Cardozo Over Carter Award

Four major American Jewish organizations publicly expressed disgust over the choice to honor Jimmy Carter by a journal of Cardozo School of Law.

Dershowitz: I Challenge Carter to Human Rights Debate at Cardozo

I will come, at my own expense, to debate Jimmy Carter on Carter's own human rights record. If Cardozo will have me, I will come and provide the students, the administration and anyone else that is interested, with a first rate debate about the meaning of human rights and they can decide whether what Jimmy Carter has done, constitutes human rights or human wrongs.

Jews Still Planning to Sue Jimmy Carter over Anti-Israel Book

The five plaintiffs are seeking at least $5 million in compensation. The hard cover edition cost $27.

Mainstream Jewish Institutions Honor Anti-Zionists

What is it about Jewish organizations that they acclaim their opponents?

Cardozo, Where’s the Justice?

The aim of people like Jimmy Carter, who claims to love the Bible is to deny us our God given rights, written clearly in the Bible, to our Land.

Why Carter at Cardozo Evokes Fond Memories

I am a proud graduate of the Cardozo School of Law, and I support the right of the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution to bestow the International Advocate for Peace Award upon former US president Jimmy Carter. And I do not agree with the so-called “Coalition of Concerned Cardozo Alumni” who asked Cardozo Alumni to “to condition any continued support of Cardozo, be it financial or otherwise, on the cancellation of this event” (although I respect their efforts). Student protest is the way to go.

Making Lemonade out of a Cardozo Lemon

I agree with Alan Dershowitz that Carter's presence at Carodozo Law School should be used as a positive.


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