Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90
Gazans stand in the rubble of a building after an Israeli air strike in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, October 23, 2023.

Over the past 24 hours, the IDF attacked more than 400 military targets in the Gaza Strip and eliminated several Hamas commanders, according to IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari. Warplanes attacked dozens of infrastructures and various gathering points of the terrorist organization Hamas in the neighborhoods of Shuja’iyya, Shatti, Jabaliya, Darj Tafah, and Zeitoun.


IDF aircraft also attacked overnight Tuesday operational headquarters used by Hamas terrorists and Hamas assembly points located inside mosques.

The deputy commander of the Nusirat battalion, the deputy commander of the Shati battalion, and the deputy commander of the Alfurkan battalion of Hamas were eliminated.

On Monday night, the IDF attacked terrorist infrastructures of Hezbollah, including a military compound and an observation post used by the organization. The attack was carried out in response to launches from Lebanon earlier on Monday.

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