American Karate Team Members Reflect On Maccabiah Experience

Although anti-Semitism no longer excludes Jewish athletes from the Olympics, Israel continues to host the Maccabiah Games for Diaspora Jews and all Israelis, Jew or non-Jew, every four years.

Hubby Is Hungry

Staying away from carbs for dietary or medical reasons does not mean you must go hungry.

Too Soon To Celebrate; A Murderer Still Roams Free

Jordan "has rejected" the US request for the extradition of Tamimi. So Jordan’s “pro-American” regime continues to shelter Tamimi. And the Trump administration acts as if it can't do anything about it other than issue gently worded press releases.

Trump, Radical Islam, And U.S.-Israel Relations: An Interview with Gregg Roman, director of the...

I think the rollout of Trump’s first executive order on immigration was amateur. But the spirit of the order was correct.

More Of My Personal Story

Marina's story is truly an inspiration to all those who desire to understand what motivated Jews in Russia to seek their right to emigrate.

Albany Beat

We have to be very clear-headed and cautious about what is said because what is said by the U.S. president is paid minute attention to by the rest of the world.

Truth Is Not A Political Position

Hurling labels such as “right wing,” “ultra-right,” or even “extreme.” avoids fair, reasoned, fact-based debate on the issues, and instead attempts to delegitimize.

Israel’s Illegal Immigrant Problem

Jews are commanded by the Torah not to deliver a slave into the hands of his owner, and a very small percentage of these people are, indeed, refugees. Though we are responsible for their lives, we do not have to keep them here forever and we do not have to grant them citizenship.

Want To Make Good Decisions? Wrap It Up!

Why is it so hard to make decisions? Why do we make so many poor decisions?

Mixed Messages On Preserving Modesty

Preventing sexual abuse is not only about telling our kids that no one should touch their private parts or ask them to touch theirs. It’s also vital that a child, no matter the age, be heard and validated upon saying “I’m not comfortable.”

Daf Yomi

As We Come Closer And Closer ‘… Like The Face Of A Dog’ (Sanhedrin 97a)

Learning The Rules Of Asperger Syndrome

Only as an adult was O’Toole diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. That is when things fell into place for her.

Getting Older; Respecting Age

In American society we are all caught up with the idea that youth is very important. We are always trying to perceive ourselves as younger.

Anticipating The Geulah

Are we not walking down the road to redemption?

Who Cares For Whom?

Rebbetzin Jungreis, a”h, sharing her eternal wisdom with a woman facing multi-generational challenges.

Concern For One Another

This amount, when placed into perspective in relation to the entire number of those that were in the desert, represented only one percent of the entire community.

On the Bookshelf

Just one book is needed: Eim HaBanim Semeicha by Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Teichtel. It reminds you why you came here in the first place and everything falls in line after that.

Jerusalem Fifty Years Later

We, today's Jewish people, in two weeks, will be privileged to share in an historic milestone: The 50th anniversary of the liberation and reunification of Yerushalayim under Israeli sovereignty.

The Rav On Purim And The Megillah

Megillat Esther is the sole book of Tanach in which God’s name is not mentioned. This too can only be understood as an irony which confirms His pervasive, but hidden, presence.

Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem: Up The Mountain

But how, indeed, do we push all our worries and plans out of our minds while we daven?

Lost Songs Of Survivors

After seventy years of silence, for the first time, we are actually hearing songs sung by those subjected to unspeakable cruelty.

This Is Our Land!

The destruction of Jewish homes in the Land of Israel continues, as if there is no way to prevent the State of Israel from self-destructing, no way to prevent it from sending the riot police to carry out the goals of Peace Now.

‘Hashem Gives Us The Power To Become Great’: An Interview with Motivational Speaker and...

You have to be willing to start over when things aren’t working out. Sometimes it’s physically starting over and sometimes it’s a mental thing.

Cracked Glasses

My glasses! exclaimed Moshe. I hung them on the seat in front and you cracked them.


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