
Moshe’s final lesson is that we must do each mitzvah to the extent we are able. We are not to be compared to others in their performance or accomplishments. This is the Torah Moshe placed before us.

The Rubashkin Saga – V

These PETA people are not Orthodox Jews. So, why would they so strongly criticize a kosher packing plant for what they believe to be violations of kosher practice? They are using tactics similar to the Nazis.

Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash, a hybrid of Gooseneck and Hubbard squashes, is a diverse winter vegetable whose warm notes help combat the winter chill.

Dear Dr. Yael

Their constant favoring of our family only breeds jealousy and hostility.

An Unbreakable Alliance

The perception of close ties between Israel and the US--Netanyahu and Trump--have helped Netanyahu improve his relations with Europe and Asia, and in time more regions of the world

You Must Believe Me That I Repaid You Earlier Today Because I Could Have...

Such a defense can only be raised at the end of the day because it is based on a migo. The migo is that if the borrower were lying, he could have come up with a better defense.

Growth Or Fixed?

Think about a really successful person. Do you think this person achieved his or her success with little or no effort?

Yom Kippur Davening Times

Although the Tel Aviv bombing was one of the few occasions during the war when the Axis powers caused Jewish deaths in Eretz Yisrael, it has been largely forgotten.

In Honor Of My Father

Every year it is incumbent upon us to recount the Passover story. But it is not only our collective history as recorded in the Haggadah we recall, we also have our own personal associations with Pesach

Longing For The Background Music

At many points in his life, he intended to go in one direction, until Hashem pushed him back on the road to return.

Hating The Jews

One reason commonly cited for anti-Semitism is simply jealousy.

Israeli Volunteers Help Evacuees In Texas

Our team is working together with the Red Cross, the psychological department of the hospital team that is here, and with the children’s department...

The Mouse And The Hole

The Right in Israel retains its rule (because the majority of Israelis are on the Right); the Left retains its hegemony (media, courts) and true power; and the terrorist retains his knife.

Yehuda And Yosef: Profound Symbols

The depths of Torah SheBiksav are grasped through Torah SheBaal Peh. Hashem commands Yechezkel to unite these two making them into one.

Abbas Meets Trump While His PFLP Allies Still Shoot At Israelis

Advocates of the Palestinian cause like to pretend that all Palestinian terrorism these days is the work of “extremists” from Hamas, not “moderates” affiliated with Abbas. Like their leader Abbas, they lie

Starting Your Day

Am I so Jewishly unknowledgeable? It sure looked like it!

Our Core

Ultimately, the foundation of our national identity must be bonded with the Temple and the Temple Mount. We do not have anything else to bond with

Surreptitious Murder – Eidim Zommemim

In the case of eidei hachashah, however, the second pair of witnesses testifies that the crime never occurred.

Longfellow And The Jewish Cemetery At Newport

Newport had been financially devastated during the Revolution, when the British occupied the town and seized ships and other resources.

Media Yawn As California Imams Say ‘Annihilate’ The Jews

It must be noted that these anti-Semitic imams have been presented in some media circles as victims, not persecutors.

Will Trump Follow Through On Palestinian Incitement?

Reviving the Trilateral Committee on Incitement is no solution unless the committee begins its work with a clear definition of what constitutes "incitement."

Albany Beat

Goldfeder served five years in the Assembly. He told The Jewish Press, “This is not where I want to be at this time in my life.”

Getting Back To What’s Important To You

I asked him what he wanted to do when he got out. He said he would really love to go to college, something that had eluded him in his youth.


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