The Mitzvah To Be Happy

How can the Torah command me to be happy? Being happy isn’t an emotion we can turn on and off like a light switch.

Miracles In The Hospital

After being checked by a doctor, my father needed to undergo some minor surgery. It was clear to his two children in Israel that my father could no longer live independently.

Caring For Bubbie – A Privilege

Not every family has the merit of caring for elderly grandparents, so instead of resenting the mitzvah, teach your children to embrace it with love.

Dear Dr. Yael

How you feel is up to you.

Jewish Or American: What Comes First?

I take pride in being both American and Jewish and while I believe some people just identify with both and leave it at that, I also think it’s natural to consider which identity is foremost to you.

Sukkos Delight

I am obsessed with Trader Joe’s chili lime seasoning. Most, if not all, of the Trader Joe’s spices are under the OU, and are just amazing.

The Angels Of Shabbat

Volunteers began going around to neighbors and synagogues in the vicinity to collect the children who had been out of the home when the tragedy occurred.

Getting Back To What’s Important To You

I asked him what he wanted to do when he got out. He said he would really love to go to college, something that had eluded him in his youth.

Israeli Officials Blast Jewish Visits To Qatar

6 months after Jewish leaders began trooping off to Qatar, the op-ed columns of US Jewish and Israeli publications remain filled with lively discussions on the affair. And well they should be. Because this sordid episode has laid bare patterns of behavior among some Jewish leaders that need changing.

Rosh Hashanah Greetings From Sandy Koufax

His act of conscience was broadly seen as a moment of pride, sacrifice, and religious commitment, though Koufax himself was far from observant.

The Wedding

The groom was happy about the fulfillment of the pledge and the wedding ceremony was held. They danced and made merry the entire night.

Looking For Family (Bava Batra 115a)

If the deceased left no children, no descendants of his children, no father and no siblings, one looks further up the paternal family tree to see whether a grandfather survived him.

Daf Yomi

The Greatest Reward Of Public Service ‘…[He] Who Leads The Public Gently …’ (Sanhedrin 92a)

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

While the immigration system needs to be reformed, the president should continue to value the abundance of positive benefits that foreign nationals bring to the country,

New Jewish Press Policy On Anonymous Letters To The Editor

Should newspapers publish anonymous letters to the editor? For many years The Jewish Press has refused to do so, in line with standard industry...

A Dual Universe

What I believe we can take from this thought is the understanding that there is a dual universe, a spiritual-metaphysical universe that mirrors the physical one that we live in.

Independence And Dependence

Rebbetzin Jungreis, (a”h) lives on her eternal message. This week discussing our dependence on HaShem.

The Violence In Beit Shemesh

In one respect, the current, very public, controversy over gender separation in Israel is a no-brainer.

Why Jewish Criminal Law Tilts Heavily Toward The Accused (Bava Batra 93a)

The burden of proof required in dinei nefashot, capital cases, is heavier than the burden of proof required dinei mamonot, monetary cases.

The Resistance Takes Some Hits

And then came the full court press against the president’s Executive Order barring immigration from certain countries he said were hotbeds of terrorist activity.

Scared By The Dog

"I didn't knowingly damage," pointed out Mrs. Neuman. "I didn't intend to upset the table."

Co-borrowers Are Guarantors For Each Other (Siman 77:1 ) (Continued)

Accordingly, the lender must first try to enforce the primary obligation against each borrower before he may sue the other borrower in his capacity as guarantor.

Gingrich, Romney, And History’s Uncomfortable Truths

Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of Representatives who has pulled ahead of Mitt Romney in recent polls in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, created a firestorm late last week with his comments about the Palestinians.

What Makes You Better Than Them?

Is the man who ends a fight just as guilty as the one who started it? Is the man who kills a killer just as immoral as the killer himself?

A Jewish Eton, Pre-1948 Transfer, And Chinese Esrogim – An Interview With Rabbi Dr....

Today it seems strange, but in those days, the 1950s, even rabbis didn’t always go around England with yarmulkes on.

The ‘Judaism’ Of Arthur Miller And Marilyn Monroe

A recurrent theme in Miller’s work is the tragic defeats that befall common people.


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