Photo Credit: Alex Kolomoisky / POOL
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

PM Netanyahu presented his coalition’s guidelines to the Knesset on Wednesday. You can read the coalition guideline here, in Hebrew.

Ha’aretz was quick to point out that the guidelines make no explicit commitment to create a “Palestinian state” or to implement a “two-state solution”, and also makes sure to point out that neither did Netanyahu’s two previous governments.


What the second bullet item in the guidelines says is (translation: The Israel Project):

“The government will advance the diplomatic process and will strive for a peace agreement with the Palestinians and with all our neighbors, while guarding security interests, the historic and national (interests) of Israel. If such an agreement is reached, it will be brought for authorization by the government and Knesset and if there will be the need for it as required by law, to a national referendum.”

This Israeli government definitely sets peace as one of its top goals.

But Ha’aretz is right, it doesn’t say the Israeli government will continue to chase after the deadly and delusional, messianic left-wing pipe-dream of creating another Arab terror state in the Land of Israel (we already have one of those in Gaza).

Others will say that the guideline’s language implicitly means a “Palestinian State” because historically and politically this is the same exact language used in previous negotiations, and in particular, the language insisted upon by Tzipi Livni in her prior negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.

How President Obama or the EU, who are both wedded to the failed two-state delusion will respond to the vague terminology, remains to be seen. But we’re sure it will involve mentioning the failed two-state solution.

Netanyahu has repeatedly taken steps to advance the “peace process” with the Palestinian Authority. But he has also pointed out that the Palestinian Authority is currently not capable of making or upholding any deals it signs.


Among the other coalition guidelines are (partial descriptions):

1. The nation of Israel has the unquestionable right to a sovereign state in the Land of Israel, our national and historic homeland.

2. See text above.

3. The government will protect the citizens and fight terror and violence.

4. The government will lower the cost of living, especially in housing, food and energy.

5. The government will reduce the monopolies and decentralize the market and increase competition, including in banking, insurance, and investment houses.


We will publish a full translation in English later, when it is released.


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