Photo Credit: Gershon Elinson/FLASh90
IDF Etzion brigade commander Col. Yaniv Alalouf (with Jewish men who fought in Gush Etzion in 1948).

We’re not doing this because we’re afraid. We’re doing it because the operational reality of a road running inside [an Arab] village creates challenges which inevitably require our daily responses. And, still, in order that I fail in my mission, all it takes are 20 seconds out of a 24 hour period, in which a stone is thrown.

By the way, this causes my own stomach to turn, too. When this happens near us, we experience a feeling of real failure, that we haven’t been able to prevent this one rock.


Our longer term response—meaning a year to a year and a half—we must complete this new road. That’s the first item. The second item is to increase the number of soldiers on this road.


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