Likud Approves ‘Biberman’ Deal, Polls Show Zero Gain

Netanyahu said that the decision to run together won't change the Likud, but it would allow the Likud to change the State of Israel. But the new joint list will receive only 42 seats in the next Knesset elections next January, a Channel 2 News poll found on Sunday. It means that the parties will retain their current power.

The Russian and the Charmer

Both men are, above all else, pragmatic. They will defy logic and critics to shake up the political spectrum. Bibi has done it several times. A few months ago, polls guaranteed him a sure win if he called early elections. The announcements were made; dates were discussed and then, in the dead of night, he made a deal to unite with Kadima. No surprise to anyone, that deal fell apart rather quickly and Israel is once again on the path to elections.

Secret Ballot Could Determine Likud-Beiteinu Future

In an unexpected move, 10% of the Likud Central Committee members gathered enough signatures to demand a secret ballot on whether or not to run on a joint list with Yisrael Beiteinu.

Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu Join Forces

In a move that took everyone by surprise, including their own party members, Avigdor Liberman's Yisrael Beiteinu party and the Likud have joined forces ahead of the upcoming elections and will be running as a joint list.

Weekly Israeli Poll Avg: Likud on Top with 28 Seats

Jeremy Saltan's combined weekly poll average from Oct 14-20 shows the Likud with 28 seats, down from the prior week's average of 29 seats, Kadima remains at 6, and Yisrael Beitenu is down to just about 13 seats.

Israel’s Election Campaign Shifts Into High Gear

JERUSALEM – With the 18th Israeli Knesset dispersed and new national elections set for January 22, 2013, Israel’s various political factions began preparing for what is expected to be a brutal campaign to elect a new 120-seat parliament. Following the elections President Shimon Peres will ask a newly elected MK, presumably from the largest faction, to form the next government.

Likud Set to Approve Primary Elections Scheme, Barak Excluded

The method of the primaries for the Likud's Knesset list was drafted by the Likud's Constitutional Committee last night and is set to be approved by the party's Central Committee this evening in Ganei HaTa'aruchah in Tel Aviv. The scheme does not include the reserving of secure spots on the list - spots within the number of seats Likud is certain to win - for candidates chosen by Prime Minister and Party Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu. It was rumored that Netanyahu wanted such spots for Defense Minister Ehud Barak and possibly other members of Barak's Independence faction which broke off from Labor.

Aryeh Deri to Head Shas

Reports are indicating that Aryeh Deri will return as the head of the Shas party, while Eli Yishai will receive the senior government position,...

Netanyahu Announces Early Elections In Israel

JERUSALEM – Now it’s official: Israel is going to the polls. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Tuesday that the elections for the 19th Knesset will be held early next year.

Likud Lawmaker Aims to Block Rumored Comeback by Olmert

Likud Party lawmaker Tzipi Hotovely reportedly petitioned Israel's Central Elections Committee to prevent former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert from running for office.

Polls Indicate Netanyahu Will Score in New Elections

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s call to disband the government and call for new elections may serve him well, if two public opinion polls published Thursday pan out.

Aryeh Deri is Back… in Shas

Kikar Shabbat is reporting that Aryeh Deri, the former head of the Shas party will be returning to Shas. A contract is being drawn up...


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