The Danny Ayalon Rumor Saga Continues

Intrigue and rumor swirls around Danny Ayalon's exclusion from the Yisrael Beytenu list, as no one is officially saying a thing. There's nothing nature abhors more than a vacuum.

The Likud-Beitenu’s Election Spot: A Return to Positive Campaigning

The election-video recalls the practical achievements of the government over the last four years.

Aryeh Deri is Back… in Shas

Kikar Shabbat is reporting that Aryeh Deri, the former head of the Shas party will be returning to Shas. A contract is being drawn up...

UTJ Calls for New Elections

The Hareidi party, UTJ, proposed a bill in the Knesset calling for new elections to be held within 90 days. The bill, drafted by MK...

Undecided Voters Hold Key To Margin Of Bibi’s Presumed Victory

JERUSALEM – While it appears likely that incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will head Israel’s next government, there are growing indications that his future coalition government could look substantially different from the current one.

Likud Lawmaker Aims to Block Rumored Comeback by Olmert

Likud Party lawmaker Tzipi Hotovely reportedly petitioned Israel's Central Elections Committee to prevent former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert from running for office.

Activists Left Oz Etzion after the Shabbat Clashes

Yesterday the activists clashed with security forces and prevented the evacuation of the Oz Zion residents.

American Voters In Israel Make Their Mark On Two Electoral Fronts

JERUSALEM – More than 100,000 American voters in Israel cast their ballots for a presidential candidate, with nearly 80,000 of them having submitted a ballot provided by iVoteIsrael, a local non-profit organization that spent the past few months aggressively encouraging American expatriates living in Israel to register and vote. The remaining registered voters cast their ballots via the absentee route.

Pro-Labor Settler and Pro-Bennett Bedouin

There are Israeli voters making some surprising and rather unexpected choices.

MKs Eldad, Ben-Ari Launch ‘Power to Israel’ Party, MK Ariel Warns of Damage to...

Eldad described a vacuum on the right, and a need for an ideological right-wing that will say things "that have been forgotten."

Mud Flies As Israeli Election Nears

JERUSALEM – With one month to go before Israelis cast their ballots, religious and nationalist parties have engaged in highly negative campaigns against each other, claiming that only their party will be able to pressure the next prime minister into promoting their domestic, economic and religious agendas. According to all polls, those parties are likely to be the basis of the next governing coalition – expected to be led by incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Poll: Right to Win 73 Seats, Jewish Home 17.5, Power to Israel 6

The poll numbers are shaky, but if they held until elections, even with the Likud-Beytenu's drop in seats, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu would still most likely form Israel's next government.

Netanyahu Wants Shas In, But without Deri

Netanyahu and Yishai have been discussing 'the day after' the January 22 elections.

Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu Join Forces

In a move that took everyone by surprise, including their own party members, Avigdor Liberman's Yisrael Beiteinu party and the Likud have joined forces ahead of the upcoming elections and will be running as a joint list.

Liberman Done In by Former Deputy

New information appears to be making things a lot worse for the former FM.

Netanyahu Tasked with Forming Government

Tasked with the job of forming the next coalition government, Netanyahu sets out his goals for this term.

JPost Misrepresents Bennett’s Quote on

On Thursday morning, the Jerusalem Post ran a story by Gil Hoffman, titled: "Bennett doesn’t yet favor end to US aid." JPost gets it wrong.

Rivlin: Knesset Must Regulate Politicians’ Ability to Switch Parties

Speaker of the Knesset Reuven Rivlin (Likud) criticized the practice of switching between parties by various Members of Knesset and Knesset candidates , calling...

Bibi to Settlers: Vote Likud, or Else…

The country's front runner party apparatus is enraged with registered members who they claim are not voting Likud in the general elections. 2009 election results say otherwise.

Channel 10 Poll: Likud-Beitenu Down to 32; Jewish Home 14; Power for Israel 2

The Channel 10 report included the fact that none of the Likud's district candidates would get in and even MK Carmel Shama could be on the chopping bloc.

My Vote Won’t Help Sell Out the Land of Israel

By sitting in a Netanyahu-led government the Jewish Home would be an accomplice to the theft of the Land of Israel.

What Will the Chareidim Do?

In the past, Chareidi (Ultra-Orthodox) participation in election voting has never topped more than around a third of their potential voters. Chareidim have avoided voting...

Bennett Joking at Bibi’s Wife’s Expense (Video)

During the interview Bennett refused to answer what ministry he would like to head.

US-Born Candidate ‘Caught’ Yearning for Rebuilding Temple

The gist of his words is not the removal of the mosque as much as the building of the Temple.

The Russian and the Charmer

Both men are, above all else, pragmatic. They will defy logic and critics to shake up the political spectrum. Bibi has done it several times. A few months ago, polls guaranteed him a sure win if he called early elections. The announcements were made; dates were discussed and then, in the dead of night, he made a deal to unite with Kadima. No surprise to anyone, that deal fell apart rather quickly and Israel is once again on the path to elections.

Updated: Record High Voter Turnout So Far (8 PM)

For an Israeli election race where no one can actually say what the important issues of the race are, voter turnout has been at...

There’s Nobody Here But Us Bennetts

Many forget that Netanyahu's score on his actions during the Disengagement was a floor hugging 14%.

Rav Ovadia’s Son Prohibits Vote for Parties Pushing 2-State Solution

In recent weeks, "Pikuach Nefesh" rabbis have sent pledges to every party leader, asking for their signatures.

Rabbi Piron: Shas’ Election Spot ‘Darkness Judaism’ (Video)

The spot shows a Russian born bride to receive her instant giur-conversion document by fax.


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