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Tag: Book of Genesis

Family, Faith, And Freedom

Genesis is not a hymn to the virtue of families. It is a candid, honest, fully worked-through account of what it is to confront some of the main problems within families, even the best.

Abraham’s Chutzpah

Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai to walk in Abraham's footsteps, to argue for a few good people in Sodom, and to struggle with Gods command to sacrifice Issac, Abraham's true heir - and the story of the binding, the pillar of Jewish faith!

Go Home Jew

Do you hear the call to Lech Lecha? Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yisha to follow Abraham's journey through the Middle East and through a life walking with God. Do you hear the call to Lech Lecha?

God and The New World Order – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Why our leaders do the dastardly things they do, and why in the end, they will lose out to G-d.

Merge or Emerge

Israelis are good at many things - but merging is not one of them. Indeed its hard to merge when our nation is finally emerging! Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai in getting ready for the new year, emerging as a reborn nation, and merging with God's will in joy.

True Blue Jews

Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai to discuss the magic of blessing God and even blessing Israel's leaders.

PM Netanyahu Dons Yarmulke to Quote Genesis for UNESCO’s Benefit

'Against UNESCO's denial, Israel will present to the world the historical truth and the Jewish People's deep connection – of thousands of years – to Hebron.'

The Platypus of Torah Portions

Rabbi Mike Feurer joins Rabbi Yishai to discuss this most unusual Torah Portion and together they too push back on the dark energy of death with life! Le'Chaim!

Does It Always Have To Be a Struggle?

For this special show Yishai is in Brooklyn! And being in the Diaspora colors his understanding of the Torah portion where Jacob struggles with an angel of Esav - or is it the the struggles of Jacob with Israel, the Exilic Jew fighting the redemption? The women in Jacob's life struggle as well: Dina is raped, Rebecca dies without seeing her son come home, and Jacob's beloved Rachel dies in childbirth before making it to Hebron. Join Rabbi Yishai for thoughts on the struggles of the founding Jewish family as they finally come to the Land of Israel.

Secrets of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron [video]

Liston to testimony from one of the only living people to have entered the actual Machpela Cave!

Praying for Sodom

First, Knesset Insider Jeremy Saltan on how Trump might effect Israel's policies, how the Muslim call to prayer in the middle of the night might be noise pollution, and how the small community of Amona is making big waves. Then, on Spiritual Cafe, Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Yishai to discuss Abraham's adventures including praying for Sodom not to be destroyed, having a baby at a hundred and laughing about it, kicking out the "Egyptian" son, and finally, almost sacrificing the miracle child to God.

If You See Muslims Celebrating this 9/11, It’s to Commemorate Abraham’s Sacrifice of… Ishmael

This year, Jews will mourn both the losses of 9/11 and the bastardizing of our sacred tradition by semi-literate nomads with no respect for the truth.

Spiritual Cafe: Noah, Hamas, & Tower of Babel

Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Yishai to discuss the great Torah portion of Noach (Noah). Why does the word Hamas appear in the Torah before God decided to destroy the world? Why was Noah chosen to be the Messiah who saved the remnant of that world? And finally, why did the world decide to use all of its power & unity to fight God? Powerful lessons which also help us understand why there is terror in the streets of Jerusalem.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/parsha/family-faith-and-freedom/2020/01/08/

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