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Tag: siddur

Praying in a Pandemic

Now is the opportunity to slow down, focus on the words, and experience their deeper meaning of our prayers.

Ohr Torah Stone Launches Jewish Education Grants to Small European Communities

The first recipients of the grant will help strengthen seven small European communities in Helsinki, Finland; Riga, Latvia; Oslo, Norway; and Warsaw, Szczecin and Wroclaw, Poland.

Jews in Israel Started Asking for Rain

Jews in the diaspora wait 60 days, until December 5 or 6, depending on whether February has 28 or 29 days, to begin their own appeal for rain.

Marking Holocaust Day, A New Jewish Prayerbook with German Translation is Published in Berlin...

For the first time in more than a century a one-volume complete Orthodox prayer book is printed in Germany with all daily and holiday prayers in modern German translation.

‘Open Orthodox’ Rabbi Alters Shabbat Prayer for the President to Omit Trump

So we searched the text of this socially conscious, alternative prayer, and discovered it has no mention of three words: "Jews," "Jewish," and "Israel."

Religious Zionist ‘ Tzohar’ Group Launches ‘Listening Together for Shofar’

The 'Tzohar' organization is launching a new project to encourage secular Jews to 'listen together' to shofar blowing on Rosh Hashana.

The War on Tradition

Rabbi Mike Feuer, educational director of Beit Midrash Sulam Yaakov, joins Yishai to discuss 'Va'etchanan,' this week's Torah portion. Yishai reflects on an extremely difficult experience he had yesterday — enduring verbal abuse and humiliation, as he attempted to visit the Temple Mount. Then, in the light of the treatment of Jews at Judaism’s holiest site, the demolitions at Beit El and the Gay Pride March, Yishai discusses with Rabbi Feuer the repetition in “Va’etchanan” of the 10 Commandments and the iconic phrases that crop up throughout the portion, including the line that embodies the core principals of Judaism — the “Shema.” The two also consider the greatest struggles facing modern-day Israel and 21st-century Jewry.

Fanatics Suspected of Arson of Church on the Kinneret

Vandals left graffiti that quoted a prayer in which it is written "cut off their false idols" but forgot the verse from the Torah that "you shall set a king over yourself."

Rivlin Tells Bnei Akiva, ‘We Must Not Let This Happen Again’

Israeli Pres. Rivlin expresses deep concern after vandals torch a Bnei Akiva building and synagogue in northern Israel.

Condemning BDS, Yehuda Glick’s ‘Thanksgiving’ and the App-Makers of the Jewish World

Is a landmark US state senate resolution to combat BDS having a domino effect? On April 21, 2015, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam became the first elected state official in the US to sign a landmark resolution to confront the anti-Semitic BDS movement. Yishai is joined in-studio by Laurie Cardoza-Moore, the force behind the resolution, to further elaborate. Yishai talks to Temple Mount activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick, who was targeted for assassination six months ago by a terrorist who shot him in the chest four times. This was an attempt to silence Glick's demand for equal rights on the Temple Mount, the holiest place on earth for Jews. Finally, Yishai is joined by RustyBrick CEO Barry Schwartz to talk about Jewish app innovation; the future of smart watches; and to engage in the age-old debate: Android or Apple?

World’s Oldest Jewish Prayer Book Makes Its Way Home

The world’s oldest known Jewish prayer book, or siddur, was displayed for the first time to the general public at the Bible Lands Museum.

Challenges And Creative Responses To Tefillah Education

The truth is we seldom explore with kids what prayer is supposed to be about.

US Soldiers Getting First New Siddur Since World War II

A prayer book developed for use by Jews in the U.S. military will be released this week, the first of its type published since...


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