Maccabi Tel Aviv and European Champs EA7 Emporio Armani Milan To Play First “Euro...

The Celebrated European Clubs Will Clash in Two Games As Part of The 2015 Euroleague Basketball World Tour.

Mom’s Chicken, Israel’s Top-Selling Brand Launches Series of Delicious Products in USA

Just pop Mom’s Chicken in the oven and in just minutes, you’ll be able to serve your family a delicious meal.

Revolution in the Heart

The wondrous phenomenon of one Grand Rabbi and spiritual leader who, beginning in his youth, built a congregation that now spans countries and continents.

What To Do When Life Hands You Israel!

"Naaleh is an excellent framework to see Israel in its most natural and real way."

Crucial Message from a Soldier in Gaza-Must Watch!

Yad Ezra V'Shulamit is working 24/6 braving the sirens and rockets to provide food and relief to those who are suffering.

A Match Made in Jerusalem: JCT Mentorship Program Helps Students Jumpstart Careers

Operating in tandem with Jerusalem College of Technology’s internship program, the new mentorship program helps place international students in fields that interest them so they can gain valuable experience while still in school.

Seeach Sod: Unlocking the Secrets of the Soul

Passing Yoni on the street, you wouldn’t think him your typical adult. But do you know the secret why is he so happy?

Water Filters – Saving Money and Improving Lives

A reliable water supply is one of the most fundamental needs of any civilized society.

Domaine Du Castel Winery Story [video]

Reviving the long standing tradition of wine making in the JUDEAN HILLS

Which Wine Are You? – A Purim Quiz

Purim is the holiday when all the secrets come out as the wine goes in. Knowing who you are can be hard. Knowing which wine to drink doesn’t have to be.

What Are the Minhagei Yerushalayim Pertaining to Burial in Eretz Yisroel?

The Jerusalem Burial Society endeavors to accommodate families from diverse backgrounds, taking individual desires and needs into consideration while remaining firmly within the parameters of halachah.

Faces of ICSN – Tali Ayal : From Cancer Victim to ICSN Volunteer

Tali was a recipient of ICSN's help. Now she volunteers at ICSN's comfort corners in several oncology units.

Rambam Hospital: Saving Patients, Uniting People

Israel’s northern front is perpetually under threat from hostile neighbors and internal terror. However, there is one beacon of hope and promise.

Research and Academic Teaching of Terrorism in Israel and in the World

The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) brought together the best academic minds and practitioners in the field of terrorism.

IDF Soldiers Deserve a Tzalash

Tzalash accompanies religious soldiers and guides them via activities inside and outside of the army, allowing them to maintain and strengthen their spiritual fitness.

Schlepping Across the Nile

In the footsteps of Andre Aciman’s Out of Egypt and Lucette Lagnado’s The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit, comes Aaron Zevy’s Schlepping Across the Nile.

New High School Provides Education Solution for Potential Olim

The dream of making Aliyah is becoming more realistic for families with teenagers as new educational programs help teens overcome cultural and language difficulties.

Seeking Segulot

Fear of the pandemic and the urgent need to arouse the public to repentance has led many to discover the auspicious segulah of Sefer Devarim.

A Personal IDF Story That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

At one point, one of my platoon mates told me I was hit. I reached back to feel liquid dripping out of my vest...

Avraham Fried and Family – First Time Ever on Stage Together

It’s ‘family first’ this Sukkot – with the Fried family performing at the United Hatzalah Chol HaMoed in Jerusalem

Driving Away Cancer with a Smile

Little things, like someone driving you to and from the hospital, or even a cup of hot coffee, can make all the difference for a family battling with cancer.

Miracle Shmitta Grapes!

Partner with farmers like Ariel, plant a tree while there is still time, SHARE the Mitzvah and Brocha!

Israel’s First English-Language Computer Science Degree for Women to Build off First Year’s Success

Last year, the Jerusalem College of Technology made a groundbreaking announcement. After much consideration and planning, it decided to launch Israel’s first English-language computer science...

Turning Death Into Life – an Answer to Hamas

In the areas where over 1,000 rockets and missiles fell, Israeli farmers will plant 100,000 new fruit trees!

Kinar Galilee Hotel

Spend the holiday at a ‘home away from home’ in Northern Israel.

Exploring Accessible Options for a Final Resting Place in the Holy Land

The Jerusalem Burial Society offers an array of affordable burial alternatives in Jerusalem that are not financially out of reach.

Unique Jerusalem Yeshiva Sets $1 Million Goal for One-Day’s Fundraising Effort

In addition to its comprehensive curricular program and engaging Israel experience, Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh provides support to its lone soldiers/alumni serving in the IDF.


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