Photo Credit: Nawab Ebrahimi
Nawab Ebrahimi, Iranian celebrity chef, arrested by the Iranian regime.

A celebrity Iranian chef was arrested after posting a recipe for Persian cutlets on the anniversary of Qasem Soleimani’s death, which was on January 3rd.

Iranian authorities arrested Instagram influencer Nawab Ebrahimi after he published a Kebab recipe video on the third anniversary of the assassination of the beloved Iranian commander (killed in a US drone strike). He was taken to Evin prison where many anti-regime protesters are being held. His Instagram page with 2 million followers has been shut down.


A popular trend among opponents of the Iranian regime involves posting memes on social media mocking Soleimani’s death, describing it as a BBQ, with Soleimani as the kebab.

On Saturday morning, the Iranian regime executed Mohammad Mahdi Karami and Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, two protesters who had been arrested during the current wave of protests and convicted, without a lawyer, of the murder of Iranian Basij officer Ruhollah Ajamian.

Mohammad Mahdi Karami and Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, executed by the Iranian regime. Jan. 7, 2022.

Ajamian died in clashes with protesters on the 40th day following the death of Hadis Najafi, one of many young Iranian women killed by Basij forces in the protests.

So far, the Iranian regime has executed four protesters, including the two this morning. News Desk contributed to this report.

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