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A 2009 study showed that fish have a memory span of up to 5 months, and not a mere 3 seconds that was stereotyped in Finding Nemo.

But still, that’s enough to explain Peter Beinart’s latest diatribe against Israel, published in Ha’aretz.


Beinart, like the rest of the loony left are beyond upset that the democratic process personally failed them, after the people chose Netanyahu and a Conservative/Patriotic coalition.

And when democracy fails the Left, that’s when they start talking about bypassing the will of the people – for the people’s sake, of course.

But we’ll get to that in a second.

Beinart thinks that this election,

“was not fought in the shadow of terror, at least not the kind that traumatized Israelis during the terrible Second Intifada.”

For Beinart, apparently only if buses and cafes are currently blowing up should terrorism affect the Israeli voter.

But unlike a Goldfish and Peter Beinart, Israelis are far more sophisticated voters with better memories.

The rest of us actually remember this past summer (which was over five months ago) when a million Israelis (including this blogger) were repeatedly forced to enter bomb shelters as thousands of missiles and mortars were launched at us from Jew/Israel-free Gaza.

Israelis also see the radical Islamic groups and Hezbollah actually sitting on our borders, and understand a simple fact, that if the IDF isn’t in Judea and Samaria, ISIS, Hamas and/or Iran will be.

When Prime Minister Netanyahu finally said that a Palestinian state makes no sense at this time, when it means that ISIS or Hamas will come in and take it over, Netanyahu didn’t tell us something new. He finally said outright what the sane majority of this country already understood – from experience.

Netanyahu could have been speaking about Beinart when he said,

“I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state and evacuate territory gives territory away to radical Islamist attacks against Israel. The left has buried its head in the sand time and after time and ignores this, but we are realistic and understand.”

But a disappointed Beinart isn’t giving up.

He calls on Diaspora Jews to use disgusting, possibly illegal and undemocratic means to attack the State of Israel and overthrow the will of the majority of voters he disagrees with.

Beinart calls for “backing Palestinian bids at the United Nations”, because apparently he wants an ISIS or Hamas terror state in Judea and Samaria.

Beinart calls for “labeling and boycotting settlement goods.” – just like the BDS movement does.

Which, by the way, under Israel’s 2001 Boycott law, now opens Beinart up to a lawsuit if the complainant can show in court there is a reasonable possibility that s/he will suffer harm from such a boycott.

Beinart calls for “making sure that every time Benjamin Netanyahu and the members of his cabinet walk into a Jewish event outside Israel, they see Diaspora Jews protesting outside.”

The thing is, some loony left Jews already do that, standing shoulder to shoulder with the antisemites. Sometimes they even come into the auditoriums to prevent the Israeli guests from speaking. They’ve even done it to the High Priest of the Left, Shimon Peres, calling him a “war criminal” during his visits abroad. So nothing new there, other than Beinart further clarifying his alignment.

Beinart calls on the Obama administration “to punish — yes, punish — the Israeli government,” if we don’t accept Obama’s suicidal demands.

Can’t you just picture Beinart frothing at the mouth as wrote that?

Beinart calls for “freezing the assets of, Naftali Bennett and other pro-settler leaders.”

Wow, I don’t even know where to begin with that one. That’s just so over the top, even for the loony left.

I’m only surprised he didn’t call (yet) to have right-wing reporters and bloggers arrested. Perhaps in his next rant.

Beinart says, “For many Diaspora Jews, this transition will feel painful and unnatural. It certainly does for me.”

Yeah, well, I’m having trouble believing that he would find this painful or unnatural at all. He’s certainly put enough thought into the concept.


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