Daf Yomi

Soul Food ‘It Comes to Include a Fragrance’ (Niddah 52a)

Is It Proper To Ask Someone To Leave Your Makom Kavuah In Shul?

The idea that a makom kavuah is, essentially, private property whose owner is entitled to designate who may and may not use it, is well-founded in the classic halachic literature.

Increasing Joy

Question: The Talmud (Ta’anit 29a) notes that we should be more joyous starting from the beginning of Adar. Does this period of joy continue after Purim?

The Al Hamichya Inconsistency

Why is it that we only modify the conclusion of the blessing when drinking wine or eating fruits that originated in Eretz Yisrael? Why isn’t it also modified when eating mezonot products that originate from Eretz Yisrael?

Sticks And Stones (Bava Metzia 59b)

In thirty-six different places the Torah warns us to be kind to people who have converted to Judaism.

Authorization For Sale Of Sins

If we do it before Pesach with our chometz, could we do it before Yom Kippur with our sins?

Daf Yomi

Which Way? ‘All One’s Turns Shall Be To The Right’ (Yoma 15b)

Arba’ah Minim On Consignment

The first option was clearly the cheapest, but Mendy didn't have the $4,000 readily available and didn't know how much he would sell. He considered the other two options and consulted with his chavrusa, who had some experience selling arba’ah minim.

Bridge Across

The truth is, as expensive and challenging as it is to construct a bridge across water, it is far more arduous and challenging to build bridges between people and nations.

Daf Yomi

Where Frequency Matters ‘We Forbid Haircutting And Laundering’ (Yevamos 43b)

Daf Yomi

Damsel In Distress ‘A Woman In Labor Is Considered Critically Ill’ (Shabbos 129a)

Daf Yomi

The Case Of The Conflicting Commitments! ‘A Breach Of Faith’ (Bava Metzia 49a)

What’s The Proper Attitude Toward Cleaning Up For Pesach? Should It Be Stressful?

Those who are cleaning for Pesach must remember that preparation for Pesach is a mitzvah and that theme should always be portrayed so that their children will learn from their actions.


“You must sanctify yourselves and be holy,” the Torah tells us, “for I, the Lord your God, am holy.” The service of God in our lives should simulate the service of God in the Temple. Just as the kohen, the priest, was required to enter God’s Temple in a state of taharah, spiritual cleanliness, we are required to enter God’s world in a state of taharah.

Drafting Yeshiva Students

Unfortunately today we find ourselves embroiled in a milchemet mitzvah, a national security situation which threatens our very existence and demands everyone’s participation.

Ode To The Beholder

We may look at a pair of tefillin and admire how beautiful they are, while a non-Jew will try to figure out what’s so beautiful about leather straps connected to black leather boxes.

Cracked Glasses

My glasses! exclaimed Moshe. I hung them on the seat in front and you cracked them.

Lefty Shift

Our lives have constant turbulence causing our internal selves to be constantly shifting. Because our lives are so transient and in flux, being strong in our convictions and beliefs is a formidable challenge.

Daf Yomi

Against The Tide? ‘How Do We Roast The Paschal Sacrifice?’ (Pesachim 74a)

Daf Yomi

Taking The Law Into One’s Own Hands ‘Break His Teeth And Tell Him I Am Taking Mine’ (Bava Kamma 27b)

Tell Me A Story

If we take these weekly portions of the Torah and relate the story directly to our daily lives, we will see how each holy figure we read about, we can find deeply within ourselves.

Pride And Joy

Perhaps it may be somewhat of a heretical question, but supposing G-d had a wallet, whose picture would be in it? Who could be deemed the Pride and Joy of the Master of the world, as it were?

Borrowed Car

"Boruch's vort [engagement celebration] is tonight," Chaim said to his friend, Yoni. "How are you getting there?" "I'm not sure," said Yoni. "I'm looking for a ride with someone. Any chance you're driving?"

‘Have To Leave Early!’

"I'm very happy for you and your family," said the director, "but I can't let you go without first getting someone else. You know that swimming is one of the most essential parts of the camp day."

Table That Thought

Laughing together at a Shabbos table helps bring the family together and allows the beautiful kedusha of the seudah to penetrate more and be more memorable.

Daf Yomi

A Night-Day Dilemma ‘When One Reads Shema’ (Berachos 8b)

Restore Our Judges Of Old (Sanhedrin 2a)

Cases involving fines and punitive damages, kenas, required a court of three judges ordained with authentic semicha.

Daf Yomi

A Matter Of Ownership ‘Here Too [It Means] Of Your Own’ (Pesachim 37b-38a)

Is It Proper…? Should a person who desperately wants to make aliyah do so...

Should a person who desperately wants to make aliyah do so even if his or her parents object?

Orthodox Rabbi Teaching Halakha Beyond the Shulkhan Arukh, Judaism Beyond the Commandments

"I'm sure that if Maimonides, or Rabbi Yosef Karo lived today, they would say: We never wrote our codifications for a time when the State of Israel would be established."


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/halacha-hashkafa/daf-yomi-410/2019/12/14/

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