Is It Proper To Ask Someone To Leave Your Makom Kavuah In Shul?

The idea that a makom kavuah is, essentially, private property whose owner is entitled to designate who may and may not use it, is well-founded in the classic halachic literature.

Many Thanks

The doctor cautioned us that the treatment contained risks, including that it might not remedy the situation. He told us that we had to decide if we wanted to proceed with it or not.

Ode To The Beholder

We may look at a pair of tefillin and admire how beautiful they are, while a non-Jew will try to figure out what’s so beautiful about leather straps connected to black leather boxes.

Daf Yomi

Beware Of The Fruit! ‘A Mis’asek Is Excluded’ (Kerisos 19a)

The Crushed Bar Mitzvah Hat

Netanel tried to straighten the hat as best he could since it was Shabbos, but the damage was done. The hat had a clear crease in it and would need to be either reshaped or replaced.

Branch Bang

Shimon started adjusting the branches on the roof. In doing so, a branch fell off the other side of the car and hit the side-view mirror, cracking it.

Rental Ona’ah

I know that there is ona’ah regarding sales, replied Ari, but I never heard about ona’ah regarding rental. Anyway, I didn’t overcharge you; you offered $40 on your own! Besides, you should have asked around yesterday. You can’t come today and claim ona’ah.

Daf Yomi

The Heiress? ‘Determining The Daughter’s Status’ (Kesubos 68b-69a)

Is It Proper…? When bad things happen to someone else, is it appropriate to...

When bad things happen to someone else, is it appropriate to speculate why?

How Should One Balance Learning On The First Night Of Shavuot With Not Being...

If staying up all night will cause one great discomfort or ruin one's Yom Tov and cause one not to be able to learn properly during Shavuot and its aftermath, then there are halachic grounds to be lenient and to go to sleep Shavous night.

Daf Yomi

A Matter of Anticipation ‘A Stone Flew From His Hand, And Another Put Out His Head From A Window …’ (Bava Kamma 33a)

The Three Weeks And The Nine Days

One does not have to be superstitious to recognize facts. It is a historical fact that the period between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Tenth of Av was plagued by recurring tragedies.

Is One Required To Live In Israel? (Bava Batra 91a)

Although it is preferable to live in Israel, there is no obligation to go. However, once you live in Israel, there is an obligation not to leave.

Mitzvat Yishuv Eretz Yisrael (Part III)

Conversely, no part of the Land within the boundaries delineated in Numbers 34 may be relinquished for any purpose whatsoever.

Dreidel For Dollars

"A bunch of us are getting together on Motzaei Shabbos for a Chanukah party," Shraga told his friend Pinchas. "Would you like to come?"

An Old Sidewalk Violation

"The report does not show any violation," Chaim told Josh. "If there were any sidewalk violations, this report would show them!"

Revelation And Shavuot

There can be no experience so unequivocal and obvious as to conclusively prove the existence of God or the divine origin of His Torah.

Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None (Bechorot 29 a)

There are no problems in life, only expenses. The compensation for performing a mitzvah is the opportunity to perform another mitzvah. These two truisms often conflict because, like most everything else in life, the performance of mitzvot often requires funding.

Long Couch

On his way home from work, Mr. Appel pondered the issue. I sense that Mr. Berger is really disappointed, he said to himself. Is it right of us to refuse him?

The Three Weeks And The Nine Days

On Shabbat during the nine days, one may don freshly laundered clothes, eat meat and drink wine, including Havdalah wine.

Brotherly Love

Moses’ mission to convey the terms of redemption to the people also meets with disaster.

Daf Yomi

A Wonder Worm “When The Temple Was Destroyed The Shamir…Ceased” (Sotah 48a-b)

Daf Yomi

Detached Or Unrelated ‘He Made an Asheirah Tree Into a Ladder…’ (Eruvin 78b)

Again Is Now

No one in this generation has any clue. This makes me so sad to tell you but it’s true. Either they don’t know or they don’t care. They are clueless.

Is It Proper Now To Own A Smartphone?

The question isn’t whether it’s proper to own a smartphone; the question is: are we responsible enough to use smartphones wisely?

What To Know When Buying An Esrog After The Shemittah Year

There are two primary ways to allow payment for esrogim of the Shemittah year on a wide scale. The most prevalent option is through otzar beis din.

Under The Oak Tree (Daf Yomi Sukkah)

The equivalent of the “OU” kashrut certification in England is that of the London Beit Din. There is also a competing kashrut certification called Kedassia. Those who eat Kedassia do not eat Beit Din.


"I have no doubt you should pay the full value of the repair," replied Zvi, "but I'm willing to ask Rabbi Dayan how much you owe."

Is It Proper…? – To Plan a Vacation In a Location That Doesn’t Have...

Is it proper to plan a vacation in a location that doesn't have a daily minyan?

‘But We Didn’t Order A Kiddush!’

On Shabbos morning, Moshe decided to serve the kiddush food since it would mostly go to waste otherwise.


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