Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

There is some discussion as to whether the Ba’alei Tosfot bring down an opinion that Parshat Para is Torah mandated (עי’ מג”א תרפ”ה), and theories have been offered as to what the source may be.

Meshech Chochma offers that the Parsha must be read whenever The Para Aduma is prepared (not annually). This is based on the Gemara in the beginning of Yoma, that derives certain Halachot regarding Para as well as Avodat Yom Hakippurim from the Parsha of Milu’im, which is dealt with in Parshat “Tzav”. The Para Aduma process could be precarious. We have some sort of offering (though not a korban) taking place outside of the Temple, (similar to goat of Yom Kippur ואכמ”ל). This could lead to misconceptions about שחוטי חוץ et al. We would need to read the Parsha so that no one will be led astray. Perhaps this also explains the opinion that after the first Para Aduma done by Elazar, in future generations the Kohen Gadol would perform the actions, like on Yom Kippur. He would be relied on to stay on target with pure heart and intent.


One practical takeaway may be that the more we read and learn about Mitzvot that we perform, the better our understanding and intent will be, (not to mention that we will do things correctly).

Shabbat Shalom

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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh