Photo Credit: Courtesy
Road race in memory of Eitam and Naama Henkin

Last Thursday witnessed the first road race in memory of Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin Hy’d, who were murdered on October 1, 2015, near the Arab town of the town of Beit Furik, by a group affiliated with the Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, sponsored by the Palestinian Authority.

The race began in Itamar and was conducted on the road leading from Elon Moreh, where the Henkin family was murdered three years ago. At the end of the race, a monument was dedicated to their memory, and the highway was renamed Eitan road, Eitan being an acronym of Eitam and Naama.


The initiative for the road race came from students of the Hitzim yeshiva in Itamar, and was held in cooperation with IDF soldiers and the Central Samaria Brigade. Runners included students of the yeshiva, its graduates, residents of the region, rabbis and public figures, as well as soldiers.

The race was also attended by representatives of the Henkin couple, including the parents and the brother of Rabbi Eitam, Yagil, who participated in the race.

Ta’ama Jacobson, Rabbi Eitam’s sister, said: “It was charming, exciting and special. The idea of ​​running in memory of people is common and accepted, but here was something beyond that. The very act of walking and running, on the road where Jews were murdered, with so many people escorting and running with us was heartwarming.”

“It touched us very much to see the number of people: students, graduates, and everyone who joined. Our connection to the land was felt by our very running.”

Back in 2015, Human Rights Watch condemned the Henkin murder, stating “The killing of a husband and wife in their car while their four children watched is a despicable act that flies in the face of law and decency. No political motive can justify targeting civilians.”

Hamas praised the attack.

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