Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90
Shas MK Yoav Ben-Tzur

How embarrassing.

Shas’s incoming member of Knesset, Yoav Ben-Tzur, who replaced outgoing MK Ariel Attias, wasn’t allowed into the Knesset Plenum for his first official vote.


The security guard wasn’t informed that there was a new Knesset member in attendance, so he wouldn’t let freshman MK Ben-Tzur in, no matter how much Ben-Tzur argued that he indeed was a new MK and he had to go in to vote.

Eventually, Shas’s party boss, MK Aryeh Deri walked by and confirmed to the Knesset guard that Ben-Tzur was, in fact, a new member of Knesset.

The vote was a first reading (of three) on whether there should only be one Chief Rabbi of Israel, instead of two like we have now.

22 voted for one chief Rabbi, while 14 voted against.

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