Although budgeting is an important part of personal finance, the real key to building wealth is to make more money. Matthew Paulson, author of The Ten Year Turnaround, discusses why you should think out of the box when deciding on a profession rather doing what seems easiest. Find out how giving charity can change the way you perceive money and help you to earn more.
Can international investors own a trust?

Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd., explains how new legislation affects trusts and their owners.
The Goldstein On Gelt Show is a financial podcast. Click on the player below to listen. For show notes and contact details of the guest, go to


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Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd, a financial planning and investment services firm specializing in working with Americans living in Israel who have investment accounts in America. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, FSI. Accounts held at Pershing LLC., Member NYSE/SIPC, a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. Neither Profile nor PRG gives tax or legal advice. Before immigrating to Israel, it is advisable to consult with a tax attorney who is knowledgeable about Israeli law. Contact at [email protected]