Photo Credit: IDF
Confiscated terror money from Hebron. June 9, 2022

Israeli security forces conducted a fairly rare daytime counterterrorism operation in the Hebron area on Thursday and confiscated funds meant for terrorism worth over NIS 1.1 million.

The forces raided a business in the town of Halhul that was apparently used as a center for the distribution of funds by the Hamas terrorist organization and confiscated over NIS 1.1 million that were intended for terrorist activities.


In addition, the business was shuttered over its use as an exchange for terrorist funds.

During the operation, dozens of Arab rioters threw stones, explosive charges, and Molotov cocktails at the IDF forces, who responded with crowd control means and gunfire. Hits were identified, the IDF stated.

The Palestinian Authority’s Health Ministry stated that Mahmoud Fayez Abu Ayhour, 27, died of his injuries sustained during the clashes, and another five were injured.

The confiscated funds were transferred for further treatment by the security forces.

Hamas uses the funds to finance its terror networks and terror attacks, encourage terrorism, and support the families of Hamas terrorists.

The financing is occasionally paid with vehicles or other commodities.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.