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In this episode, your hosts relate how crazy things have become since last week. Last week’s show ended with speculation concerning what was then to be a visit to Israel by Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar. That didn’t happen after all and the fallout has been hard to keep up with. Progressives screamed, “I told you so….Israel is an apartheid state.” Some conservatives even said Israel played right into the hands of Israel’s enemies. As if that wasn’t enough, President Trump shared a quote claiming his greatness for the Jews and Israel, and his opponents are having a field day. Is he claiming to be the messiah? The King of the Jews? Has the much anticipated Anti Christ finally been revealed? Ross and Jono discuss this and more as only they can do, but they also make a fascinating connection with an event that took place more than 2,500 years ago. Don’t miss, Tweets from the Ancient World!

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