Photo Credit: Ben Tzion for INTR

His name is BEN TZION – literally, Son of Zion,

He put his life in danger by going to visit holy places in Islam where non-muslims are forbidden to go. The Islamic world has gone ballistic about it. Some are screaming that he has made these holy places ‘impure’, while a few others are saying that it was all photo-shopped and that he was never even there. Who is this BEN TZION? Is there now a FATWA or Islamic death warrant out on him?
Tamar speaks with him as he describes his unique experiences and the uproar he is now dealing with in the aftermath.
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Also, Dr. Mordechai Ben Menachem joins Tamar and discusses the high tensions in the region with Saudi Arabia and Iran, and how it might look if Israel were attacked and pulled into the war. A fascinating show!

The Tamar Yonah Show 27Nov2017 – PODCAST


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