Photo Credit: pixabay

It’s the first day of Spring. That means the Passover holiday is just around the corner and we all need to clean, clean clean! Passover preparations are not easy, and many of us panic about the intensity of the work. Can Passover cleaning be easy? Maybe not, but our guest, Laya Saul, author of the book, ‘You Don’t Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way’ gives you tips on how to make your Passover cleaning more joyous. Check out her article Passover cleaning made easy? No, Passover cleaning made JOYFUL.…ing-made-easy And visit her website at:

Also, what does your Passover style of cleaning tell about your spiritual situation? Guest, Rivka Levy, author of the book, ‘The Secret Diary of a Jewish Housewife’ tells us more about the mystical aspect of Passover preparation in her article: ‘What your Pesach Cleaning Style Can Tell You About You Inner Dimension’…er-dimension/


The Tamar Yonah Show 21March2017 – PODCAST


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