Photo Credit: Nobel Energy/Flash 90
'Tamar' gas rig off Israel's Mediterranean coast.

Ten IDF naval officers have moved to Germany to oversee the construction of four new warships that will form the basis of protecting Israel’s offshore gas platforms, according to a report in The Marker.

The deal with Germany, to build the four ships, was signed last month, and will cost 1.8 billion shekels. The IDF will begin to receive the ships in 5 years.


Until then, the IDF Navy will continue to use existing ships to protect the gas platforms.

Germany will provide all the ship’s weapons and infrastructure, but the their installation and assembly will be done by Israelis.

The IDF officers will oversea the construction and learn the systems inside and out, including how to operate and maintain them, forming a nucleus for the long term support of the ships, which are expected to be in service for 30 years after receipt.

There are other IDF naval soldier who will join the officers.

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