Photo Credit: Israel Police / Twitter
Police inspect a home that was damaged in a Qassam rocket barrage from Gaza on Friday, August 8, 2014. Miraculously, no one was in the house at the time.

7:03pm Wrote too soon. Code Red for Be’er Sheva and surrounds, Ashkelon, Segev Shalom, Rahat, Lahat, Tidhar and all seven of the major recognized Bedouin towns in southern Israel. This should be an interesting Sabbath.

7:01pm Quiet so far … Shabbat begins soon. Hoping for the best.


5:36pm Eshkol

4:58pm Ashkelon Coast

3:58pm Apartment building hit in Ashkelon, damaging at least one apartment. No physical injuries reported.

3:55pm Code Red alert for Ashkelon and the Gaza Belt communities

3:35pm House in Sderot sustains a direct hit by Qassam rocket fired by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. No physical injuries reported.

3:30pm Code Red alert for Sderot, Sapir College, Sdot Negev, Sha’ar HaNegev, Nachal Oz, Alumim, Nirim

3:14pm Another Code Red alert is triggered for Nachal Oz and Alumim, Yad Mordechai, Netiv Ha’Asara and the Ashkelon Coastal Region.

3:11pm A Code Red alert sent residents scrambling in Nachal Oz and Alumim, Sha’ar HaNegev and Sdot Negev Regional Council districts.

2:22pm Since the ceasefire ended at 8:00am over 35 rockets were fired at Israel. 4 people were wounded. 1 listed light to moderately wounded from shrapnel — Dr. Nachmi Paz, director of Sapir College in Sderot; 1 IDF soldier lightly wounded by shrapnel; and 2 others hurt by falling while running to find shelter during the siren. 1 building in Sdot Negev was directly hit by a rocket which resulted in significant damage.

Released for publication: This morning from 7:30-8:00am all flights from Ben Gurion Airport were grounded due to the threat of possible rocket fire. Over 10 flights affected. Flights resumed at 8:00am

1:09pm Rocket alerts in Eshkol region.

1:01pm 71 year old man taken to Soroka hospital in with moderate to light injuries in his hands from rocket fragment that explode nearby.

12:30pm: Hamas calls for Arab riots in Judea and Samaria following Friday prayers.

12:13 p.m.: Sirens warn of rocket attacks on two Gaza Belt communities in the Sdot Negev region.

12:02 p.m.: The IAF bombed terror targets in the area of Rafah in southern Gaza.

12:00 p.m.: One person was seriously wounded and a second suffered moderate wounds from rocket fire in the Sha’ar HaNegev region, which includes Sderot.

11:53 a.m.: One of the rockets fired at the Western Negev this morning exploded at the entrance to a farming community. No injuries were reported.

Earlier, several homes in Sderot sustained damage from shrapnel after rockets exploded nearby.

11:47 a.m.: Warning of rocket fire on Nir Oz near the Gaza border.

11:46 a.m.: Sirens sound, warning of another round of rocket attacks on kibbutzim at the Gaza border.

11:40 a.m.: Warning of rocket attacks on four Gaza Belt communities, including Kibbutz Alumim and Kibbutz Sa’ad.

11:35 a.m.: The Muqata blog reports that has obtained a leaked IEC (Israel electric company) memo noting that “in a unique operation, IEC transfers 10 generators to hospitals in Gaza” two days ago via the cargo terminal at Kerem Shalom. The generators were for the benefit of hospitals in Gaza.

11:33 a.m.: Warning of rocket attack on Kibbutz Be’eri, on the Gaza border.

11:15 a.m.: Islamic Jihad’s military wing blames Israel for breaking the 72-hour ceasefire. “The enemy ended the ceasefire when it refused to accept the demands of the resistance. It bears responsibility… The enemy’s policies did not leave us any other option.”

11:05 a.m.: Shrapnel from Gaza terrorists’ rocket fire smashed window of house in Sderot.

11:02 a.m.: The Israeli Navy is bombing terror targets from the sea.

10:59: Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, now of a job as peace talks negotiator, wrote on her Facebook page, “Extremists, fanatics and terrorists need  to be taken care of, and not by psychology.”

10:55 a,m.: Warnings of incoming rocket attacks on Kibbutz Sa’ad and Kibbutz Kfar Aza, across the road from each other,.

10:40 a.m.: Israelis negotiators throw up their hands and leave Cairo for Israel early this morning.

10:35 a.m.The Iron Dome intercepted one rocket aimed at Sderot. Two other rockets from Gaza exploded in open areas.

10:32 a.m.: Reports from Gaza of IDF artillery fire.

10:31 a.m.: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon ordered the IDF to “respond with force.”

10:30 a.m.:  Hamas reportedly rejected a possible deal of Israel’s freeing 15 terrorists and eight bodies of terrorists in return for body  parts of fallen IDF soldiers Goldin and Shaul.

10:38 a.m. The Israeli Air Force bombed terror targets in northern Gaza Friday morning following a barrage of 20 rockets and mortar shells fired on the Western Negev by terrorists groups in Gaza.

The IDF waited two and half hours before retaliating to rocket fire.

10:37 a.m.: Thousands of Gazans fled their homes east of Gaza City as the war resumed after Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front Free Palestine competed with each other to see who could claim “credit” for breaking the 72-hour ceasefire a couple of hours early.

10:20: Multiple warnings of incoming rockets on Sderot and Gaza Belt communities.

10:15: Rocket alert sounds at Sha’ar HaNegev, near Sderot.

9:57:  Israel attacks northern Gaza (finally) – Walla from Arab sources.

9:29am Eshkol

9:16am IDF Command Instruction

0-40 KM from Gaza – No group gatherings of more than 500 people in open or closed areas. Stay within running distance of bomb shelter.

40-80 KM from Gaza No group gathering of more than 1000 people in open areas.

0 – 80 KM form Gaza – Open all bomb shelters.

9:00am No injuries reported so far from the rocket launches.

Ashkelon coast mayor – Even one siren is too much… It’s forbidden to get used to this sporadic shooting.

8:52am Eshkol

8:42am Shaar HaNegev

8:42am Ashkelon x2

8:32am Ashdod mayor announced – no outdoor activities or gatherings should be held today.

8:28 am Rocket alert Hof Ashkelon

8:29 am Rocket alert Eshkol region

8:25am From IDF Spox: Since 8:00 AM, Gaza terrorists fired a barrage of 5 rockets at Israel. Iron Dome intercepted 1 above Ashkelon; more rockets hit open areas.

8:11am Ashkelon Coast

Will Israel retaliate?

8:07am Eshkol region

Second set at 8:04am – Ashkelon Coast.

It’s official. 8:00am Rockets launched from Gaza – at Ashkelon (not including the rockets just at 4 this morning). Iron Dome x2

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