Photo Credit: Al Hayat Media Center, ISIS
"Jihad John." the ISIS' British accented executioner, is our prime candidate to be infected with Ebola.

A late-breaking  report reveals that all foreign partners participating with the U.S. in airstrikes on ISIS in Syria are Arab countries. This information was reported by CNN which said it received the information from a senior U.S. military official. There were a total of 14 strikes.

The strike against ISIS began with Tomahawk missiles launched from the sea. Those missiles were followed by bombers and fighters.


The strikes were intended to degrade the ability of ISIS to command and control, resupply and train. According to U.S. military’s Central Command, multiple ISIS targets were damaged by the strikes, including training compounds, headquarters, storage facilities and supply trucks.


The U.S. also struck the al-Qaeda affiliated Khorosan group to disrupt what is claimed to have been an imminent attack against the U.S. Only the U.S. engaged in strikes against this entity, which has also established a safe haven in Syria. The U.S. targeted this terrorist group striking training camps, a communications building, an explosives and munitions production facility and command and control facilities. The strikes were all focused to the west of Aleppo.


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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]