Gunman Captured After Attack on US Embassy in Lebanon

The Lebanese army said it would increase security in the area and on the roads leading to the site.

Israel Sends Condolences to Moscow After 133 Killed in ISIS-K Attack

"Fighting terrorism is a major international challenge, and the countries of the world must firmly fight it together."

ISIS-Inspired Terrorists Arrested in Jerusalem for Second Time in Month

The two suspects, ages 19 and 20, purchased chemicals to produce explosive devices to use against civilians and security forces in the Jerusalem area.

Israeli Arabs Arrested in Turkey on Terror Charges Wanted to ‘Liberate’ Temple Mount

During their stay in Turkey, Janid and Bichon underwent physical and military training, including instruction in the use of firearms, as they prepared to “liberate” the Al-Aqsa Mosque Jerusalem.

Hamas Terrorists Had a Chemical Weapons Manual During Invasion of Israel

"With ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hamas, this is what we're dealing with . . . in this material, there were instructions how to produce chemical weapons. What we went through is evil. We have to uproot it."

Israel Killed Hundreds of ISIS Terrorists, Says Former Army Chief of Staff

Gadi Eisenkot said that Jerusalem was asked to act by an unspecified third party, and that the activity spanned “many more than one country.”

Erdogan Says Turkish Intelligence Eliminated ISIS Leader Abu Hussein al-Qurashi

Al-Qurashi became the leader of ISIS in November 2022 after his predecessor had been killed.

US Raids ISIS Camp in Syria, Kills 3

The number of ISIS fatalities in military operations in the Syrian desert since early 2023 has increased to 141.

US Kills Senior ISIS Leader in Syria

His death will “temporarily disrupt the organization’s ability to plot external attacks.”

Senior ISIS Leader Killed by US Forces in Syria, US Soldiers, K-9 Wounded

Al-Homsi detonated an explosive device when the special operations team arrived, killing himself and wounding the troops.

Report: Israel Saved 82nd Airborne Commander from Taliban Car Bomb on Last Day in...

Another US unit was not so lucky: an ISIS explosive device killed 13 American soldiers in another part of Kabul.

6 ISIS Suspects Arrested in Nazareth

Their main target being a Muslim high school in Nazareth, which "operates in the way of the infidels."

Shin Bet Thwarts Arab Israelis Aiming to Join Islamic State

This investigation is added to other recent probes in which the Shin Bet thwarted activity on behalf of Islamic State operatives in Israel.

CENTCOM: US Forces Assassinate ISIS Leader Maher al-Agal in Syria

The drone strike took place in northwestern Syria. Al-Agal's deputy was seriously injured, according to US Central Command (CENTCOM).

US Army Captures Senior ISIS Bomb Maker in Syria

“The mission was meticulously planned to minimize the risk of collateral damage."

Islamic State Attacks Natural Gas Pipeline in Northern Sinai

The blast caused a fire but no casualties, Egyptian security officials said.

Police Solve Mysterious 2019 Murder of Jerusalem Couple – No Surprise, it was Islamic...

The couple, Tamar and Yehuda Kaduri, was found dead in January 2019 in their Armon Hanatziv apartment with signs of violence and stab wounds to their bodies.

ISIS Weekly: Hadera Attack Was Message of Allegiance to the New Caliph

"Our campaign against the Jews – a pure Islamic campaign."
Dozens of Christian families from east Jerusalem have moved to Jewish neighborhoods in the the city because they too no longer feel comfortable living among Muslims.

Israeli Christians to Ministers: Protect Us from ISIS during Easter

The writers pointed out that Christians have been a target of ISIS in the Middle East.

Hamas Leader’s Nephew Was ISIS Member, Killed in Sinai Battle

In Gaza, it is said that Sahib, Matawa’s brother, also joined ISIS in Sinai.

Police Raid Israeli Arab Communities, Arrest 12 ISIS Suspects

The main concern on the part of Israeli security forces are copycat attacks.

Umm al-Fahm Mayor: One of the Terrorists Came from ‘Very Normative Family’

"The initial information is that these are ISIS members, but the security people should check this and not I."

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Hadera Attack, 2nd Without Intelligence Warning

Stunningly, these murderous attacks have taken place exactly 20 years after operation Defensive Shield.

PM Bennett Congratulates US on Death of ISIS Leader

Bennett said the world is "a safer place" now that ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi has been eliminated.

Assad Regime Searching for ISIS Gold South of Damascus

The process of excavation and bulldozing continued for 6 hours but did not yield results, and the engineering machinery left the neighborhood.

White House, UN Boost Iran’s Yemen Meddling, Clip Saudi, UAE Resistance

Aid agencies in Yemen welcomed President Biden’s plan to revoke the Houthis' designation as a terrorist group.

Vienna Terror Suspect was Jailed in 2019 for Trying to Join ISIS

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz could not rule out anti-Semitism as a possible motive.

ISIS Claims New Territory in Northern Sinai Despite Egyptian Drone Bombing

ISIS has managed to establish their control over the territory in question and even set up roadblocks, forcing people to abandon their vehicles and to cross on foot.

Hamas Terrorists in Gaza Shocked After Senior Commander Flees to Israel

A terror cell in Gaza thought they were working for ISIS against Hamas, but were unwittingly working for Israel.

After 17 Years of Needless War, Trump Signs Peace Deal with Taliban

Secretary Pompeo believes peace with Taliban will succeed if they cooperate with the Afghan government.


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