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Offices of Charlie Hebdo

Twelve people have been killed and 10 – 15 people wounded, 5 of whom seriously wounded (4 critically) in a terrorist attack in the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satire magazine on boulevard Richard-Lenoir in Paris (Paris XI).

The terrorists entered the office and asked for specific victims by name. Reports indicate the terrorists were well trained and professionals.


Two policemen have been killed among the 11.

Three gunman committed the terror attack, shooting Kalashnikov rifles. They swapped cars during their escape.

Witnesses say they heard the shooters say, “We’ve avenged the honor of the prophet!” according to Sky News.

According to Le Figaro, the gunman are on the run after a shootout with policemen.

A pedestrian has been injured by the terrorist’s vehicle, and there has been a second shootout, according to Le Figaro.

Paris is now at the highest alert level.

The magazine has published anti-ISIS and Prophet Mohammed cartoons in the past.

The following is the most recent cartoon tweeted by Charlie Hebdo:

A recently published cartoon by Charlie Hebdo criticizing the leader of the Islamic state, Al-Baghdadi.

Live news feed:

On January 1st, arsonist set a fire to a Paris synagogue and painted swastikas on the walls of the shul.

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