Photo Credit: Nati Shohat/Flash90.
Part of the Gush Etzion fence near Jerusalem

PM Netanyahu’s Cabinet is set to vote on Sunday on part of the path of the Gush Etzion security barrier, according to an IDF Radio (Galei Tzahal) report on Thursday night.

For years, Arab and Jewish residents of Gush Etzion have strongly protested against this security fence, as both sides are against its construction. They managed to get the construction of the fence frozen until now.


In 2006, radical leftwing groups filed petitions to have the path of the fence moved onto the pre-67 side of the 1949 armistice line, rather than including Gush Etzion.

The entire fence, besides being an eyesore on some of the most pristine and beautiful landscapes in Israel, would cut off Gush Etzion from Jerusalem, and part of the fence would split Gush Etzion in two.

It would also potentially cut off the planned road from Gush Etzion directly to the Dead Sea, which is only 20 minutes by car.

Gush Etzion Mayor David Perl told Galei Tzahal that Netanyahu previously promised him that the fence was frozen and would not advance further.

Perl promised to continue to fight the fence construction.

Efrat activist Nadia Matar spoke with and said, “We are very shocked. It is not logical that after the past war this summer, when it was proved that in no way should we ever create a PA state in our heartland, nor should we have fences – that now they are going to vote on this. It’s insanity! We call upon all the cabinet ministers to vote against it.”

It is not clear why the vote is being brought up in the cabinet at this time.

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