Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90
Egyptian soldiers keep guard on the border between Egypt and Rafah.

In the past month, Egypt has arrested 90 people in the Sinai, 7 of them Palestinian Authority Arabs. Egypt has also killed 60 armed people in the Sinai, of which 30 were Palestinian Authority Arabs.

In addition, Egypt destroyed 38 underground fuel tanks, according to


28 of the tanks stored 634,000 liters of diesel fuel, and 10 tanks held 2,600,000 liters of gasoline. An additional 300,000 liters of diesel were seized before reaching Gaza, along with their fuel pumps.

These various actions were part of the Egyptian army’s war on terror in the Sinai.

There was no world outcry on the killing of 30 Palestinian Authority Arabs.

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