El Al Airlines has reinstated flights to Eilat, after having cancelled its three daily daytime flights from Ben Gurion Airport on Tuesday because of concerns about the safety of new landing and takeoff designed to reduce the chances of a terrorist attack from Egypt.

The airline’s nighttime flights, whose routing had not been changed, were not cancelled. Other Israeli airlines that fly from Ben Gurion to Eilat have not cancelled their flights.


El Al said the new traffic patterns did not meet international aviation safety standards, but it reinstated the flights on Wednesday, after being given permission to use the old routes until a compromise is brokered.

Last month, Israeli authorities ordered the closure of Eilat’s airport based on a tip from Egyptian security services that a radical Muslim terrorist cell planned to launch mid-range missiles at the airport. In April, two long-range rockets fired from the Sinai Desert by an Islamist terrorist group hit Eilat.

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