Photo Credit: Nati Shohat / Flash 90
Young students blow a shofar in the classroom of a Jewish elementary school. (illustrative)

More than 1,000 people blew shofars for five minutes Sunday at a New Jersey Jewish center to break the Guinness World Record for the largest shofar ensemble.

The participants blew together on the shofars for five minutes at the Alex Aidekman Family Jewish Community Campus in the “Great Shofar Blowout” sponsored by the Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life, reported.


The previous shofar ensemble record was held by Swampscott, Massachusetts, which blew 796 shofars on the beach in 2006.

The Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life has been planning to break that record since 2006, according to

As part of the event, there were special classes to learn how to blow the shofar.

“Our mission is to bring Jewish learning to life so we do a lot of things experientially,” Robert Lichtman, executive director of the partnership told

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