Photo Credit: Hamas / Muhammad Alostaz
Ismail Haniyeh

Israel’s Ambassador to Russia Gary Koren protested the Kremlin’s invitation of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to Moscow, Israel’s Channel 10 News reported Tuesday night.

Koren protested the visit in his meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Middle East envoy, Mikhail Bogdanov.


Bogdanov surprised Koren when he responded, “You are talking to Hamas yourselves.”

The Russians have recently stepped up their involvement in the “peace process, as they deepen their hold on the Middle East. Recently, they invited Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel to meet in Moscow with former leader of Fatah in Gaza Mohammed Dahlan, sponsored by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Gamliel declined after consulting Israeli security officials.

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