Photo Credit: Flash 90
Jewish man carries a wounded baby, whose father was murdered by an Arab terrorist Saturday night in Jerusalem, a result of what Abbas says is "escalating Israeli violence."

The Palestinian Authority has finally issued a condemnation of violence, but it restricted its statement Israel and called on the United Nations to act to stop what it called Israeli violence.

A statement on the Palestinian Authority’s official WAFA website said in Arabic:

The government demanded in a statement on Sunday, the international community and organizations of the United Nations, to intervene to compel Israel to cease its violations in the Palestinian territory, the latest of which was the killing of two young men in the occupied city of Jerusalem, and a series of incursions into the cities and villages of the West Bank, and settler attacks last night on the villages of the West to the protection of the occupation army , and wounding a number of citizens.


Without one word of denunciation of the two Arab terrorist attacks Thursday and Saturday night that killed four Jews, Palestinian Authority spokesman Ihab Accord Bseiso charged on WAFA that Israel’s “escalatory policy comes within the framework of the efforts of the Israeli government aimed at undermining the Palestinian and international political efforts and the efforts of the destruction of the two-state solution, and dragging the region into a new spiral of violence.”

He said the solution is simple:

End the Israeli occupation of our land Palestinian territories, and the establishment of our independent state on the 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem.

Fatah spokesman Ahmed Assaf stated, “The time has come to end the occupation and to achieve independence.” He said that “we have sacrificed people and we are prepared to sacrifice more.”

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.