Photo Credit: Miriam Alster / Flash 90
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu heads to security cabinet meeting with National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror. (archive)

Welcome back to all our readers still living in Galut and keeping two days of Yom Tov. Here’s a recap of what you missed over the past two days.

US Secretary of State John Kerry visited the US’s close ally in the Middle East, Lebanon. There he gave a message that just like he can ignore Hezbollah’s control of Lebanon, he can ignore Hamas’s control of the Palestinian Unity Government (PUG).


Though it turns out, that the US and Hamas have been holding secret talks for a while.

Hezbollah controlled Lebanon of course doesn’t want to left out of the fun, so they demanded John Kerry force Israel to hand over some Israeli offshore gas fields they want.

Israel has found a new ally down under with Australia, where Bibi will be visiting soon. Thank God, because with allies like the Obama administration, who needs enemies.

In response to releasing a hundred mass murdering terrorists for peace, and nothing to show for it except the feel of rain on a sunny day, Israel announced they’re building around 3000 more apartments in Jerusalem and some settlements. This has annoyed the Obama administration, the EU and the UN. Actually, it annoys me too, because we need at least another 300,000 homes built in the settlements and Jerusalem.

Speaking of Israeli settlements, here are photos of the ancient Second Temple period Jewish settlement in Hebron, which has been further uncovered in an archaeological dig – we’re expecting UN condemnation at any time now.

At least the American people aren’t letting Kerry and Obama convince them that Israel is to blame for the failed peace talks. God bless the American people.

The Rolling Stones came to Israel. Some of the band visited the Kotel. They had an amazing concert.

There were some 64 terror attacks (stone, firebombs, whatnot) over the first day of Shavuot. That doesn’t include the riots going on right now by Sha’ar Shechem (Damascus Gate) in Jerusalem (not connection to closing the Temple Mount to Arabs, see below), for the anniversary of the 6 Day War and liberation of Jerusalem from Jordan (that anniversary is today, by the way).

The Israeli police have been acting quite schizophrenic about the Temple Mount, one day opening it up to Jews and shutting it down to Muslims (because of their violence), and some days the reverse. They apparently can’t decide if they’ve set a precedent or not. Still Jewish prayer is a no no. More importantly, the Arab world (local or otherwise) didn’t even react, despite Abbas’s anxious pleas to riot.

Oh, did we mention that Assad won by a landslide?

And Israel destroyed some Syrian tanks after some rockets hit Israel.

Jeffrey Goldberg said it may be time to stop reading Haaretz for simply going too far (wait, isn’t that a call for BDS?).

Boker Tov Jeffrey.

Anyway, that’s what you missed over the holiday. Welcome back.

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