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Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries and reservists erect a Hanukah Menorah in Gaza -- one of more than a dozen for this Festival of Lights.

A large five-foot Hanukah menorah stands proudly in Gaza today and will shine its light on the Festival of Lights holiday in northern Gaza.

Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries and reservists erect a Hanukah Menorah in Gaza — one of more than a dozen for this Festival of Lights.

The menorah was brought in by a group of Chabad-Lubavitch Hassidic emissaries who serve in the IDF as reserve soldiers.


The soldiers traveled deep into Gaza and erected the Menorah in the city of Beit Hanoun, which has been destroyed in the current war.

Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries and reservists erect a Hanukah Menorah in Gaza — one of more than a dozen for this Festival of Lights.

The menorah is one of more than a dozen such menorahs that are being erected in Gaza over Hanukah, in a project coordinated by “Tzach Israel” – the Lubavitch Youth Organization of Israel – led by Rabbi Yosef Aharonov.

Tzach of Israel will also be distributing personal Menorahs and sufganiot (Hanukah donuts) to more than 10,000 Israeli soldiers currently deployed in Gaza.

Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries and reservists erect a Hanukah Menorah in Gaza — one of more than a dozen for this Festival of Lights.

“A little light dispels much darkness,” Chabad emissary Rabbi Levi Mendelsohn pointed out.

“We also plan to have volunteers light the large Menorahs each night of Hanukah, bringing light to the darkest places.”

This report first appeared on the website.

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