Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
Armed Gazan terrorists surrender to Israeli forces at the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza's Jabaliya neighborhood on Dec. 14, 2023.

Israeli soldiers captured more than 70 armed Arab terrorists inside a Gaza hospital, the Israel Defense Forces said on Thursday.

According to the IDF, the terrorists were operating inside the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza’s Jabaliya neighborhood. Soldiers also discovered weapons inside the medical facility.


In addition, a number of terrorists who engaged soldiers in the area of the hospital were killed.

After surrendering their weapons, the terrorists were transferred field interrogators for further questioning.

Meanwhile, battles continued to rage in the Jabaliya and Shejaiya areas of northern Gaza, and in Khan Yunis in the south over the past day, the IDF said on Thursday.

In Shejaiya, soldiers searched a school complex “that served as a central focus of the fighting of the Hamas Shejaiya Battalion,” killing terrorists and destroying terrorist infrastructure in the compound.

In the Khan Yunis area, soldiers found weapons and grenades and destroyed two tunnel shafts, a rocket launch pit and a weapons warehouse.

Near the Jabaliya refugee camp, IDF forces demolished terrorist infrastructure, located weapons and killed terrorists. A Hamas sniper was eliminated by a helicopter gunship after being identified by ground forces.

At least 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’s attacks on Israeli communities near the Gaza border on Oct. 7. Hamas currently holds 137 men, women, children, soldiers and foreigners captive in Gaza. Some people remain unaccounted for as Israeli authorities continue to identify bodies and search for human remains.

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