Former Military Intelligence chief, Major General (ret.) Amos Yadlin, is one of the major creators of the “conceptzia,” according to which Hamas was deterred by the blows it received in the 2014 Gaza war, and the way to keep it happy was to allow the flow of millions in cash from Qatar into its leaders’ pockets, and increase the number of Gazan dayworkers entering Israel every morning.
On Monday night, Yadlin said emphatically on Channel 12: “We hit Hamas in such a way that it cannot do another October 7. We need to be in a situation where the hostages must return home.”
Mindboggling? You bet. And notice how the Channel 12 interviewer is not flinching when Yadlin repeats the very same notions that brought us October 7, namely that Hamas is unable to do that which it has shown time and again that it can, but Yadlin’s intelligence corps willfully ignored:
עמוס ידלין: “אנחנו הכנו את החמאס ברמה כזאת שהוא לא יכול לעשות את ה 7 באוקטובר עוד פעם”.
מעניין מי למד ממי? ביידן ממנו או ההפך?
תקשיבו איך הקונספציה חוזרת…פונים לאיש עם עבר צבאי בכדי לשמוע איך צריך לעצור את המלחמה. pic.twitter.com/WkoMdGweMq
— גאיוס (@il7217) June 3, 2024
Yadlin also said: “We need to reach a ceasefire in the north and the south, we need to reach a deal with Saudi Arabia and we need to face Iran, which while we are chattering in Rafah is establishing its nuclear program. No solution eliminates Hamas within two weeks, we need to do a ceasefire and return the hostages home – that’s the important thing.”
Sometimes one wonders if folks like Yadlin are more than just useful idiots. Can anyone be so high-up and so dumb and not be on the payroll of a foreign power? I’m just asking. As did Dvir Luger on Twitter on May 21, when he posted this Yadlin clip with the comment, “I hope Biden pays Amos Yadlin well. The man is trying to explain in the studio to the people of Israel why we must stop the war, sign a ceasefire, sign a diplomatic agreement with Hezbollah (we’ve already tried, haven’t we?), establish a Palestinian state, in short, to sell everything just so that Biden will win the election.
אני מקווה שביידן משלם טוב לאלוף במיל’ עמוס ידלין.
האיש מנסה להסביר באולפן לעם ישראל למה אנחנו חייבים לעצור את המלחמה, לחתום על הפסקת אש, לחתום על הסכם דיפלומטי עם חיזבאללה (כבר ניסינו לא?)
להקים מדינה פלשתינית, בקיצור למכור הכל רק כדי שביידן יזכה בבחירות.
כמה קישקושים והבלים. pic.twitter.com/2jBVkvfTsy— דביר לוגר (@dvirluger) May 21, 2024
On February 23, Chaim Ramon, one of Israel’s most brilliant political insiders who served in several Labor governments, including as justice minister, offered a short list of the IDF officers, past and present, who were responsible for the October 7 catastrophe.
At the top of his list were two former Military Intelligence chiefs, Amos Yadlin and Tamir Hyman, “who preached coexistence with the Hamas regime and spread on every platform the message that ‘Hamas is deterred,’ both during their tenure in the IDF and afterward.
“In June 2007, shortly before Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, the head of MI Yadlin said Israel would be ‘delighted’ if Hamas took control of the Strip. In February 2009, he said that ‘Hamas, for its part, is deterred.’ In a strategic assessment document of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) from 2018, Yadlin assessed that it appears that ‘Hamas does not have significant military options.’
“During Operation Guardian of the Walls, Yadlin stated that from a military point of view, Hamas was ‘defeated’ and explained that ‘Hamas will have to think carefully next time before it shoots at Jerusalem.’ In May 2023, Yadlin said that Hamas ‘has been deterred since Guardian of the Walls.’ In September 2023, three weeks before the October 7 massacre, Yadlin explained that ‘Hamas, which has invested a lot of effort in the restoration of the Strip since Guardian of the Walls, generally prefers to keep Gaza out of the conflict.”
A year ago today, Amos Yadlin reassured News12 that despite a Hamas volley of rockets at southern communities in Israel, Hamas is deterred.
היום לפני שנה, עמוס ידלין בעקבות מטח הרקטות לעבר הדרום: “חמאס מאוד מורתע. הוא מאוד צריך שהפועלים יצאו, הוא מאוד צריך את הכסף הקטארי, יש לו אחריות על 2 מליון תושבים”
? גבע ברין pic.twitter.com/zRolqPZgxz
— אלון בראלי (@Alonbareli) May 3, 2024