Photo Credit: IDF
IDF leaflet warning local residents against helping the Barkan terrorist

A joint Israeli force comprised of undercover Border Guard Police commandos and IDF soldiers has reportedly captured an accomplice who aided the terrorist who murdered who two of his co-workers at the Barkan Industrial Zone in Samaria and wounded a third two weeks ago.

According to reports in Arab media, the accomplice allegedly provided food and possibly shelter to Ashraf Na’alwa after he carried out the vicious attack, helping him avoid the wide-ranging manhunt by Israeli forces.


The suspect was arrested and taken into custody in Shuweika, Na’alwa’s home town, located close to the Palestinian Authority city of Tulkarem in Samaria.

IDF flyers posted Thursday in Tulkarem threatened that anyone extending aid to the terrorist Ashraf Nalawa will be subject to punitive actions by Israel.

“Anyone who helps the wanted person will be subject to legal consequences, including long-term imprisonment, the demolition of his home, and the revocation of all the permits for himself and his family,” the flyer said. “We will not hesitate to punish anyone who extends help to the wanted person.”

Na’alwa’s family was notified last week by the IDF of the impending demolition of their home as a consequence of the horrific murders, which were carried out executive-style, with the victims’ hands bound before they were shot to death at close range.

Numerous members of the Na’alwa family and other relatives and friends have been arrested and questioned in connection with the murders as the hunt for the terrorist continues.

Na’alwa is still at large, armed and dangerous.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.