Photo Credit: Hamas
Image of IDF sniper

The official Facebook page of the Fatah movement (synonymous with the PLO) on Sunday posted pictures of what they claimed were IDF snipers. The pictures were reportedly taken by Hamas, specifically the Qassam brigades, and they were accompanied by a threat: “Your Sniper is at hand.”

Although taking the picture of a sniper and actually attempting to hurt him (God forbid) are two things, and the effort is reminiscent of the immortal running sketch of the Kids in the Hall troop, where Mark McKinney peeks at unsuspecting bystanders through his clenched fingers and declares, “I crush your head,”

Mark McKinney: ‘I crush your head’

the Fatah’s comment above the images is startling:

“The question is, since they’re at hand, why didn’t you shoot them?”

Which could mean one of a few things, or all of them:

1. It could be a taunt, showing the Fatah folks received the Kids in the Hall in Ramallah back in the 1990s.

2. It could be a straight-forward expression of solidarity with the angry Gazans.

3. It could be an actual, technical inquiry: did something go wrong?

We think it’s a taunt. Maybe a concerned taunt? You figure it out.

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